Thursday, September 3, 2020
Television as a Cultural Transporter in Human Lives Essay
TV as a Cultural Transporter in Human Lives - Essay Example Man has been profiting by the previously mentioned term that has intensely given an educational, just as, intuitive stage all through the world. Quickly, different administrations and assets have been gathered and given by the TV in an engaging way for the improvement and advancement of mankind. Throughout the entire existence of mankind, the field of correspondence has built up a ton, and one of the most remarkable developments is possibly, the TV. (Consumes, pp. 52-56, 1998) However, everything has its points of interest, just as, impediments, and it relies on the individual to either profit by it, or permit the issue to hurt the environmental factors. Accordingly, TV and TV broadcasting has likewise favorable circumstances, just as, downsides; notwithstanding, impediments have been exceeded by the unrivaled monstrosity of its points of interest. Despite the fact that, it is a typical idea that the guideline elements of the TV are shows, cleansers, publicizing, and the news. Be that as it may, TV establishes of more than the previously mentioned instruments and assets, which will be talked about in this paper. These days, contemporary situation has been profiting by this device, which has substantiated itself as truly outstanding among rest of the world. Today, a solitary room has been introduced as another and imaginative appearance of the entire globe. (Dornfield, pp. 51-54, 1998) Currently, an understudy can even procure his training on the TV without standing up from his seat. Then again, a specialist can make an arrangement by being refreshed of best providers, just as, most recent innovations around the globe with no visa application, just as, with no voyaging costs, which was unrealistic a few decades prior. In addition, a South African can get most recent updates on an occasion happening in United Kingdom, which has just gotten conceivable because of the accessibility of the TV broadcasting in pretty much every edge of the world. Also, many channels can be seen and engage a huge number of watchers and enthrall them inside some remote snaps, and without gathering the recordings that require loads of room. Strikingly, shopping should likewise be possible on TV inside minutes with the assistance of charge cards without meandering in the surge of shopping centers, which has been enormously refreshing by the female people of the globe. Subsequently, TV has gotten a matter of just fingertips, and has advanced, just as, helped the people in accomplishing a superior and improved spot in their lives. (Cole, pp. 32-38, 1970) At the end of the day, a little worldwide town has been shaped by the creation and presentation of TV into the human lives. Correspondence has gotten only seconds starting with one corner of the world then onto the next. Various news channels have been set up to give current issues, ongoing updates, breaking news, business news, and so on to a great many watchers from various and different societies around the world. Dependability and speed is being developed and improved step by step, which has changed the view of people by any means. It is currently only a small amount of second to check the climate projection of an African city, or study the European culture from the
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The World of Commercial Art and the International Art Market Essay
The World of Commercial Art and the International Art Market The primary points of this examination are to secure a comprehension of the states of the craftsmanship showcase and to build up a basic information on the business craftsmanship world and the significant global market. The possibility that the universal workmanship advertise is a controller in the post foundation workmanship world has suggestions on the development of costs and values in the workmanship showcase, because of the macroeconomic reality, political what's more, social changes of this period. All through the nineteenth century, the Acadã ©mie des Beaux-Arts kept on delivering numerous significant craftsmen. It lost its capacity just at the turn of the century when it neglected to recognize radical styles for example, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. The destruction of scholarly workmanship likewise was rushed by monetary changes in the craftsmanship advertise, which incorporated the development of autonomous shows and the improvement of private deals displays. Over these years, the agitated arrangement of money related market which the workmanship advertise turned out to be a piece of has developed into a more noteworthy still, small voice of the complex conduct of the person in his The business showcase economy has been ideal for the turn of events of expressions of the human experience. Along these lines, as far as possible the gracefully of workmanship and collectibles examining the buyer monetary inclination. Thus, showcase division, division of work and specialization caused a division among high and low culture, and separate great craftsmanship from garbage craftsmanship. Along these lines, the workmanship market should choose the gifted specialists in a free and affluent society that permits an extremely huge number of specialists to have more open doors getting monetarily free and to gain creative opportunity. In spite of the fact that, the pretended by the seller in the market, as social business person, is significant for keep up the estimation of the item. In this occurrence, how best the global craftsmanship market can be composed, what is the most ideal approach to adjust the gracefully of craftsmanship and what is the market's motivation through the separation of good craftsmanship from garbage workmanship. The market must confine the gracefully of workmanship and collectibles choosing the capable craftsmen, great craftsmanship, from that point raising the general estimation of a masterpiece. Along these lines and dependent on this announcement, this paper will consider contentions for the market as the controller of the flexibly of craftsmanship and bring up a portion of the issues with this present market's capacity  «What is ... ...Extremely valuable: Art, Artists and Economics. (New York: Basic) HEILBRUN, J. what's more, GRAY, C.M., 1993. The Economics of Art and Culture, An American Perspective (Cambridge University Press) JEFFRI, J., 1983. Expressions Money, Raising it, Saving it and Earning it (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press) OWEN, V.L., 1979. The Effects of Mass Markets on Artistic Quality, Diary of Cultural Economics, Vol.3, no2 REITLINGER, G., 1961. The Economics of Taste, vol I, The Rise and Fall of Picture Prices, 1760-1960 (Holt: Rhinehart and Winston) ROBERTSON, I.A., 2000. The Emerging Art Markets of Great China 1989-1999 (London: City University) SAVAGE, G., 1969. The Market in Art (Kent: Tonbridge Printers) Artist, L.P., 1988. Phenomenology and Economics of Art Markets: An Workmanship Historical Perspective, Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol.12, no1 STEIN, J.P., 1977. The Monetary Appreciation of Paintings. The Diary of Political Economy, vol.85-5. THROSBY, D., 2001. Financial aspects and Culture (New York: Cambridge College Press) Sites: - - - - - [1] SAVAGE, G., 1969. The Market in Art (Kent: Tonbridge printers) p.13.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Representative Congress in A essays
A Representative Congress in An expositions The subject of whether the Congress is delegate towards the American open has been a longstanding inquiry that has become the spotlight of various political discussions. Numerous individuals accept that with a participation of about every single white male from a higher economic wellbeing in the public eye, it is almost unimaginable for a genuine portrayal to happen. This is an error. The Congress is a reasonable portrayal of the American open. With the utilization of a bicameral assembly that serves both open assessment and national interests, congressional democratic that is illustrative of its constituents, and the ability to cast a ballot, congressional portrayal is in fact met. One of the most disputable issues with respect to the portrayal of the Congress is the manner by which the absence of minorities and ladies in enrollment influence a genuine portrayal of the American open. For a significant part of the life of Congress, the enrollment has been included totally of white guys. Notwithstanding, with the outside of the social equality development and a developing familiarity with a various America, participation in the Congress has started to change. There are presently African Americans, ladies, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and American Indians that are for the most part individuals from Congress. Numerous ladies used to pick up enrollment into Congress by turning out to be widows, be that as it may, today practically all are chosen authorities and this pattern is on the ascent. In any case, white guys keep on commanding the lion's share. Does this imply portrayal is as yet inconsistent? The appropriate response is no. Despite race, culture, and sexual orientation contrasts, individuals normally settle on their decisions as per their constituents. For instance, albeit the vast majority of the African American individuals vote liberal, this doesn't really imply that African Americans are for the most part liberal. Or maybe, these individuals speak to regions that are liberal. This implies casting a ballot inclinations dont depend on race; rather they depend on the perspectives on their locale. In the event that a d... <!
IDS compares Essay Example for Free
IDS looks at Essay These strategies typically base their presentation on two identification ideal models as the principle assaults notwithstanding whether they are arrange or hot based design. A portion of these models are the abuse identification models and oddity recognition models. The abuse recognition model, the IDS looks at the new arrangements of the parameters in the information. The application coordinates the orders of the HTTP convention where a database of marks which connote the assaults that have been distinguished and arranged before is known (Aquino et al, 2008). This model amends and improves the problematic orders when it encounters assaults. The abuse discovery model isn't the best model to be utilized and it’s utilized as an option for proficiency in the medium. It tends to be lead to the new varieties of the assaults experienced before to evade the system security. The oddity discovery model identifies interference via looking through irregular system traffic. It recognizes deviation by discovering designs on information from web (Aquino et al, 2008). Model The testing of multilayer feed forward system should be possible utilizing two layers which are covered up and have15 neurons each and a 5 yield neurons for a 5 potential assaults. The system is then outfitted with an adaptable transmission calculation with the neurons being sigmoid. In the wake of being prepared with a dataset of 70 % it arrives at an anticipated blunder focus of 0. endless supply of the preparation succession. While picking the quantity of neurons per concealed layer, the computation is finished by taking away the quantity of neurons in the yield layer from the quantity of contributions to the framework (Aquino et al, 2008). Points of interest and Disadvantages Voip convention is a security framework which is structured so that it upgrades the correspondence of aural by the utilization of web (Millions, 2008). Looking at Voip (Voice over Internet Protocol) to other security conventions, there are various favorable circumstances which settles on Voip remain the decision of numerous in the current world. Consequently, Voice over Internet Protocol is productive with regards to their expense. Voip utilizes open exchanged phone arrange. The IPSec makes sure about the low level framework bundles all together for the arrangement of PCs to be ensured over shaky channels which are comprehensive of web and recruit lines. Voip can without much of a stretch include more lines while different conventions can't. It is difficult to break into the security of the framework particularly when there is encryption. Once there is power disappointment telephones can in any case be utilized (Millions, 2008). Hindrances There is event of burdens in the structure once there is a huge downpour of data being moved in Voip. There is additionally a chance of jitter information move problem event in the framework if the correct precautionary measures are not taken. Because of trouble in the migration of data, this can result to low redesign predominance. Accordingly, this can result into disappointment of the voice for the last buyers (Millions, 2008). Cryptanalysis Report Organizations are confronted with the issue of getting encoded messages from their customers. So as to help the customers, associations need to see how to unscramble the encoded messages. Much of the time, the administration of the association and the customers as a rule utilize a solitary key otherwise called the private-key in the encryption and the decoding of the messages. This sort of encryption is known as balanced encryption and is broadly utilized by numerous individuals. The first message is generally alluded to as a plaintext while the encoded message is alluded to as a ciphertext (Brown, 2007, p. 4). In symmetric calculation, a similar key is utilized for both the encryption and the decoding procedure (Vajda, 2003, p.3). The calculation that the sender utilizes for changing the plaintext to a ciphertext is known as figure. Since Charles Smith, a full-time partner in McKay IT administration went on an excursion for work without conveying the logbook of the security conventions, there is need of utilizing the procedure of cryptanalysis. This is strategy for code breaking the ciphertext without the utilization of the private key (Brown, 2007, p. 4). The procedure by which a unique message is encoded is appeared by the recipe E (M) = C. in which E is the capacity of encryption, M is the message and C is the Ciphertext. For unscrambling the ciphertext, the beneficiary needs to utilize the recipe D (C) = M in order to get the first message. In which D is the capacity of decoding, C is the Ciphertext and M is the first message (Vajda, 2003, p. 1). The calculations of encryption and unscrambling utilize the private key known to the sender and the collector as it were. In this manner, the correct equation to use in both the encryption and unscrambling process is C = EK (M) and M = DK (C) in which K is the private Key (Vajda, 2003, p. 1). Cryptanalytic assaults happen when an individual endeavors a cryptanalysis of a ciphertext (Vajda, 2003, p. 3). There are various kinds of cryptanalytic assaults from the sender. However, with the end goal of this examination, the ciphertext just assault will be utilized. This is on the grounds that Charles and I as the expert just know the ciphertext (Brown, 2007, p. 9). An individual can utilize beast power search during the time spent cryptanalysis by attempting every single imaginable keys (Brown, 2007, p. 11). Plaintext letter are typically subbed by number, images or considerably other letter to frame the ciphertext. For this situation, ciphertext that have been sent by the customer has been supplanted by different letters as appeared For a successful cryptanalysis, one has to know the kind of figure that was utilized. One ought to likewise gauge the multifaceted nature of the assault to guarantee compelling cryptanalysis, for example, unpredictability of the information. Multifaceted nature of the information is the information sum that should be decoded. The unpredictability of the procedure additionally should be estimated, for example, the time required for playing out the assault. Finally, one needs to have enough stockpiling memory for the playing out the assault (Vajda, 2003, p. 6). In ciphertext just assaults, given that C1 = Ek (P1) and Ci = Ek (Pi). In concluding P1 and Pi, Ci + 1 = Ek (Pi + 1). In cases, where the ciphertext just is accessible, it is difficult to recuperate the plaintext. Accordingly one can utilize the cryptanalysis of the Caesar figure by attempting the conceivable 25 movements of keys so as to substitute the letters in the ciphertext to get the plaintext (Brown, 2007). One method of staying away from the cryptanalysis is by guaranteeing that the private key is just known to the sender and the beneficiary of the message. Individuals ought to likewise guarantee that while sending the encoded, they give the sender the trace of the key utilized. End Proper models of PC security conventions have been proposed all through the conversation. Assaults in the framework security conventions can be distinguished by the utilization of various models. These models incorporate the abuse location models and oddity discovery models. The assaults that impact the conventions lead to delays in the security framework. Administrations can be denied through an animal power assault on the server handling speed or the band width. On the off chance that the security capability of the server has some portion of it as verification esteem, at that point the calculation is important in light of each capability demand which is substantial. References Alarcon-Aquino, V. , Mejia Sanchez, J. A. , Rosas-Romero, R. , Ramirez-Cruz, J. F. (2005). Distinguishing and Classifying Attacks in Computer Networks Using Feed-forward and Elman Neural Networks. Procedures of the first European Conference on Computer Network Defense, EC2ND 2005. Ribs, UK: Springer Verlag. Aquino, V. A. , Clavel C. A. , Asomoza J. R, Starostenko, O. , Romero, R. R. (2008). Interruption recognition and Classification of assaults in High-Level Network conventions Using Recurrent Neural Networks. Recovered December 18, 2008, from
Friday, August 21, 2020
Summer Book Report Essays - Lacey, Rock Of Love With Bret Michaels
Summer Book Report Come back to Bitter Creek happens in Bitter Creek, North Carolina, during current occasions. There are numerous sections of land of lovely land. There are a great deal of trees and plants. The climate is occasional, albeit gentle throughout the winter. A large portion of the activity happens at a homestead, and in a house. In spite of the fact that the story includes family clashes, and could occur anyplace, the setting was pertinent to this plot in light of the fact that a great deal of what happened included nature, ponies, and rustic employments. Lacey Bittner is the principle character. She is a youngster matured young lady who lived with her mom, Campbell, and her mom's sweetheart, David. Lacey is forthright, legit, dedicated, productive, and kind. At the point when somebody is inconsiderate she reveals to them how she feels. For instance, she reveals to her mom when she thinks her mom is being rude. At whatever point she has a vocation to do, such as making a lodge in the trees, or clearing the field for the pony, she gets to it immediately, and proceeds until it's done, even late around evening time. She attempts to fit every one of her exercises in, including school, sports, and dealing with her pony; she is capable. Despite the fact that her mom doesn't coexist with the remainder of the family, Lacey is as yet lovely to them. The principle struggle is man versus man. This is a tale about a family who can't coexist with one another. There are character clashes among moms and little girls, and cousins and cousins. There is quarreling about such things as who can invest energy with whom, and who will head to class. Campbell, Lacey's mom, lived in Bitter Creek her entire life, however she didn't coexist with her family, particularly her mom. She moved away to Clio, Colorado with Lacey, being single. She met a man name David. They were extremely close and lived respectively, yet weren't hitched. They moved back to Bitter Creek, North Carolina since David got a metal forger line of work there. At the point when they showed up in Bitter Creek, they purchased a little house. Lacey went to class with her cousin Tam. Campbell didn't care for the possibility of Grandmother bringing Lacey to class, so she attempted to keep her on the transport. Despite the fact that Lacey's mom is defensive, Lacey figures out how to make new companions and invest energy with her grandma. Throughout the late spring Lacey was exhausted on the grounds that Campbell and David were continually working. Cap and Lacey turned out to be old buddies, in spite of the fact that they have a few battles. Lacey takes in a great deal about wildflowers from a book David gave her and from her grandma. One day Lacey returns home to discover that David purchased seven sections of land of land. The family chose to clear the field, assemble a fence, and get a pony. The more distant family consistently had Sunday meals, oftentimes at David and Campbell's home, however Campbell, Grandmother, and Tam once in a while came. Each one else makes some incredible memories and wanted to ride the pony. Lacey named the pony Polly. Lacey joins the banner corps group when school began once more. David and Lacey fabricate a lodge in the trees. Lacey was constantly occupied with numerous exercises beside the lodge, which she didn't get the opportunity to take a shot at as much as she would have enjoyed. At some point while David was taking a shot at the lodge he had a mishap and kicked the bucket. This is the peak of the story. After this the family meets up (kind of) and figures out how to acknowledge one another. Uncle Kenny and Lacey finish the lodge. Campbell sulks around in light of the fact that David kicked the bucket. One night Campbell and Lacey needed to move to the stable on the grounds that there was no cash to pay for the house; the animal dwellingplace had been paid for a while by David. Lacey used to go to people hits the dance floor with Campbell and David a great deal, yet she never had the mental fortitude to move before anybody. At last she did with her family. Lacey's mom turned out to be well disposed with Grandmother once more. Campbell completed one of David's blacksmithing employments and got $2000. Polly had an infant pony and Lacey named it Trillium (a wildflower). Grandma made a delightful blanket and offered it to Campbell and Lacey. Everybody attempted to coexist with one another. I totally cherished this book. I would prescribe this book to individuals
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
A View from the Class Basbibi Kakar MIA 20 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
A View from the Class Basbibi Kakar MIA 20 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The SIPA Office of Alumni and Development is pleased to share A View from the Class, a SIPA stories series featuring current SIPA students, recently graduated alumni, and faculty. In this issue, we feature current SIPA student, Basbibi Kakar MIA 20. Basbibi is a KUMA/Kuznetsov Fellow and a first year Master of International Affairs candidate, concentrating in Economic and Political Development and specializing in Advanced Policy and Economic Analysis. What were you doing prior to attending SIPA? After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in business from Montclair State University in New Jersey, I worked as a finance and operations intern at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for a year. During that time, I also interned with the Malala Fund, focusing on grant writing, philanthropic outreach, and support to country representatives from Pakistan, India, Turkey, Nigeria, and Afghanistan in preparation for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in London. I also managed language translations of the Girl Advocacy Guide, a help guide for advocating for girls education and human rights, and the Funds partnership with NaTakallam, a service which pairs Arabic-speaking displaced persons with learners around the world for language practice over Skype. I also volunteered with the Rutgers Presbyterian Church to provide translation services for the Refugees Task Force, help to resettle Afghan refugee families, cultural orientation for volunteers working with refugees, and student tutoring. What was your experience working at the School of Leadership, Afghanistan (SOLA) in Kabul? I was born in Afghanistan, but grew up in Pakistan as a refugee after my family fled the Taliban. I returned to Afghanistan in 2008. Before attending Montclair State, I worked full-time as Assistant Head of School at the School of Leadership, Afghanistan (SOLA), the only secondary boarding school for girls in Afghanistan. At SOLA, I helped design a curriculum that included cross-cultural exchanges and distance learning via a virtual exchange program. In partnership with the Global Nomads Group, an organization leveraging technology to connect middle and high school students with peers from around the world, we connected SOLA students and teachers with U.S. classrooms to promote empathy, awareness, and agency to tackle pressing issues. It was a privilege working at SOLA, watching ambitious 12 to 19 year old girls have the opportunity to receive an education and listening to the remarkable stories of parents who, after living with forty years of war, finally had hope for the futures of their children. Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree and attend SIPA? Growing up and working in Afghanistan, I have experienced firsthand the need for better development policies and policymakers. I believe those who have lived in the country will be most effective in making those changes. I decided to attend graduate school so that I can be one of those changemakers, and I chose SIPA because of its international focus and policy concentrations and opportunities for practical as well as classroom experiences. Why have you chosen to concentrate in Economic and Political Development? There is a dire need for educated people in all sectors in Afghanistan, and women play an important role in conflict and post-conflict recovery. However, women are underrepresented in Afghanistan’s economic and business sector. I want to be a positive force in improving Afghanistan’s economy, reducing the effects of war, and preventing further violence. Positive economic initiatives will provide job opportunities for younger generations, moving the country towards peace and prosperity. What has been your experience thus far in your first semester at SIPA? I have enjoyed my first semester and meeting students from all over the world. The professors are highly competent, delivering great lectures and providing support with assignments and constructive guidance. I have been challenged from the start, but am confident that the experience will help me develop both personally and professionally. Is there anything else that you would like to add? It has been hard for me to leave my family and other loved ones back in Afghanistan, especially given the unrest and violence that occurs on a daily basis. However, I am determined to stay strong, completing my degree at SIPA and making the most of my experience.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Essay Proposal Colonialism - 275 Words
Essay Proposal: Colonialism (Research Proposal Sample) Content: Name:Instructor: Course:Date: Research ProposalColonialism is one of the aspects that have shaped the world and the relationships that most of the countries have. While it may deemed to have been in the past, it is still thriving between most of the countries, having changed the face of a slave and a master and taking more global look ( The picture attached, represents one of the paintings that was made depicting he colonial times of the nineteenth century. In the picture, there is a clear representation of the slavery associated with conquered people working in the plantations, while British masters supervise on horse backs. The choice of the picture relates to the fact that, the image is one of the most elaborate on issues related to colonialism and slavery. Workers under the colony are forced to work in the fields for meager wages, even though the land actually belongs to them. Ideally the people would be forced to work for the imperialists. Lar ge plantations like the one that has been depicted in the picture were quite common, for mass production agricultural products to be used in trading overseas, in the cities and at the ports. In the picture the slaves are tending to the sugarcane plantation and it is evident men and women work together. Children were not spared either, as the image depicts ( This is an image that fits in perfectly with the elements of imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism and historical representation of culture ( To analyze the picture, the concepts that are going to be applied include that of gender, race and neocolonialism. These are some of the ...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Filling Vacancies in the US Senate
Senate seats become vacant for a variety of reasons  the Senator dies in office, resigns in disgrace or resigns to assume another position, usually, an elected or appointed government position. What happens when a Senator dies in office or resigns? How is the replacement handled? Procedures for electing Senators are outlined in Article I, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, as later amended by paragraph 2 of the Seventeenth (17th) Amendment. Ratified in 1913, the 17th Amendment not only changed how Senators are to be elected (direct election by popular vote) but it also outlined how Senate vacancies are to be filled: When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct. What Does This Mean in Practice? The U.S. Constitution grants the state legislatures the power to determine how U.S. Senators are to be replaced, including empowering the chief executive (the governor) to make these appointments. Some states require a special election to fill a vacancy. A few states require the governor to appoint a replacement of the same political party as the previous incumbent. Typically, a replacement holds office until the next scheduled statewide election. From the Congressional Research Service: Prevailing practice is for state governors to fill Senate vacancies by appointment, with the appointee serving until a special election has been held, at which time the appointment expires immediately. In the event a seat becomes vacant between the time of a general election and the expiration of the term, however, the appointee usually serves the balance of the term, until the next regularly scheduled general election. This practice originated with the constitutional provision that applied prior to the popular election of senators, under which governors were directed to make temporary appointments when state legislatures were in recess. It was intended to ensure continuity in a state’s Senate representation during the lengthy intervals between state legislative sessions. Exceptions or Where Governors Do Not Have Unlimited Powers Alaska, Oregon, and Wisconsin do not allow the governor to make interim appointments; state laws require a special election to fill any Senate vacancy. Oklahoma also requires that Senate vacancies be filled by special elections, with an exception. If the vacancy occurs after March 1 of any even-numbered year and the term expires the following year, no special election is held; rather, the governor is required to appoint the candidate elected in the regular general election to fill the unexpired term. Arizona and Hawaii require the governor to fill Senate vacancies with a person affiliated with the same political party as the previous incumbent. Utah and Wyoming require the governor to select an interim senator from a list of three candidates proposed by the state central committee of the political party with which the previous incumbent was affiliated. In the event of a Senator’s death, his or her staff continue to be compensated for a period not exceeding 60 days (unless the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration determines that more time is needed to complete the closing of the office), performing duties under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate.
Monday, May 18, 2020
A reflection of Odysseus and Modern Day Heroes The...
Written about two thousand and seven hundred years earlier, the Odyssey is still influencing modern storytelling today. Odysseus, the legendary Greek king of Ithaca and protagonist of Homers epic poem the Odyssey was recognized as a great hero of his time. He was known for his defining qualities of superior strength and athleticism, sharp intellect, sensual ness, and a thirst for glory. These character traits are still being used to attribute modern day fictional heroes such as Neo, Captain Jack Sparrow, James Bond, and Spiderman. Accordingly, the heroic qualities of Odysseus can be still be seen in todays modern day fictional heroes. Odysseuss superior strength and athleticism resembles to modern day character of Neo in The Matrix. In†¦show more content†¦Both Sparrow and Odysseus use this type of sharp cunning intellect to get what they need. Odysseus also shares his trait of sensual ness to women with the modern day hero of James Bond. There were numerous occasions where Odysseus came across a beautiful woman and lived a luxurious life with her before continuing his journey home. Three such examples were Calypso, Nausicaa, and Circe. With Circe in particular, Circe turned all of Odysseus crew into swine, but he was able to resist her powers, which caused her to fall in love with him. Odysseus then decided to spend a year of luxury on her island as her lover. Odysseus said, We sat there feasting on unlimited meat and sweet wine. But when the sun went down and the sacred darkness came over†¦ but I, mounting the surpassingly beautiful bed of Circe, clasped her by the knees and entreated her (Homer, 164). Odysseus enjoyed his luxurious life with Circe in an exotic land, but only to a point. Eventually, he decided to focus on the greater task at hand and return home to Ithaca. James Bond possesses this same trait of sens ual ness towards women throughout all of the bond films. In just about every film, Bond comes across a beautiful female that he ends up spending an intimate time with before going off to save the world. In Casino Royal, Bond enters a relationship with Solange. Solange says to Bond, What is it about bad men? You... my husband. I had so many chances to be happy, so many niceShow MoreRelatedThe Aeneid And The Odyssey1547 Words  | 7 PagesAeneid and The Odyssey The Aeneid and The Odyssey are two of the most famous poems written in their time. While there are other poems that are also notable, these two poems are well known for showing strong battles between mythical creatures and strong heroes. Homer and Virgil have written incredible poems that have stood the test of time. The depth of their vision was beyond their time and is still used around the world thousands of years later to show honest, loyal, strong heroes. 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Ready to see his wife, Penelope, and son, Telemachus, the meritorious warrior Odysseus, the protagonist of Homer’s The Odyssey, sets out for Ithaca. Yet, his victorious adventure goes awry on his journey home and he must conquer 20 years of the gods’ wrath, vicious creatures, oddly hospitable hosts, and conniving suitors before he can finally have his peace. Flash forward and enter modern-day New York City, the home of Andrea â€Å"Andy†Sachs, Northwestern graduate, aspiring journalist,Read MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey 3033 Words  | 13 PagesBrother Pearce FDCA 206 5 November 2014 The Odyssey The Odyssey is one of the earliest epics that exists but is still a highly revered and relevant piece of literature in modern culture. This classic survives because the entire tale of Odysseus’ adventure is symbolic of our human lives and experiencesâ€â€it is life mythologized. Not only does The Odyssey highlight the heroic and triumphant side of the characters, but it also emphasizes the struggle between heroes’ ethos and their human failings. In essenceRead MoreSimilarities Between The Trojan War And The Journey Of Odysseus1837 Words  | 8 Pagesancient times, mankind has been enamored with the myths of Homer, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Two tales among these, one being the Trojan War and the other being the journey of Odysseus, have fascinated many modern scholars and archaeologists. What qualities of these tales have led so many to present their own vision and rationale of the setting, ignition, and conclusion of such events? Can one even claim the Trojan War and the Odyssey are true occurrences and characters, after considering theRead MoreGreek Mythology s Influence On The Arts And Literature Of Western Civilization2652 Words  | 11 PagesThe stories of the ancient Greeks about their gods, heroes, and explanations of the nature and history of the universe are known as Greek mythology. These stories, or myths, have survived for more than 2,000 years. Greek mythology has had an extensive influence on the arts and literature of Western civilization, which inherited much of Greek culture. Like the myths of many other cultures, those of ancient Greece tell how the world was created and help explain why things happen. The ancient Greeks
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Leadership Theories And Qualities Of Leadership - 1537 Words
Effective leadership is essential to the overall success of any organization. Leadership attributes or qualities and leadership theories have been studied by a variety of fields including business, healthcare, finance, political science, psychology, and more. There seems to be a paradigm shift in leadership theories and qualities that is focusing on the relationship of the leader to his or her subordinates as well as the population they are serving. Parris and Peachey state â€Å"leadership is a skill used to influence followers in an organization to work enthusiastically towards goals specifically identified for the common good†(Parris Peachey, 2013, p. 377). The paradigm shift is occurring secondary to the public downfall in recent years†¦show more content†¦The Great Man Theory describes the leader as being born with the necessary characteristics to lead an organization (Leadership Theories, n.d.). Trait Theory expanded on the Great Man Theory stating leaders wh o are born with the characteristics or traits to be a great leader will help them excel as leaders (Leadership Theories, n.d.). Behavioral theories focus on the leader’s behaviors and not their characteristics (Leadership Theories, n.d.). Contingency theories state leadership styles vary based on the environment or situation (Leadership Theories, n.d.). Transactional leadership theories focus on the transaction between leaders and their followers (Leadership Theories, n.d.). Transformational leadership theories focus on the relationship of the leader and their followers and how that relationship impacts the organization (Leadership Theories, n.d.). Servant leadership and transformational leadership are two of the leadership theories being studied as part of the paradigm shift in leadership models. While servant leadership and transformational leadership have many similarities, they also have key differences. Stone, Russell, Patterson describe the difference as â€Å"the transformational leader’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
`` Friends With Benefits `` Vs. `` Blended `` Romantic...
â€Å"Friends with Benefits†vs. â€Å"Blended†: Romantic Comedies Several people believe women prefer romantic comedies, than action movies, but I could not find statistical researches about the topic. The truth is that the majority of my girlfriends voted for romantic comedies, because these movies invigorate love, trust, inspiration, and above all, happiness instead of sadness. Romantic movies are classic, kissing, love at first sight, heartbreaking love; however, romantic comedies added the art of laughter, transforming romantic movies into attractive, and relaxing movies. It is a pleasure to watch romantic movies; therefore, difficult to decide which one is my favorite. Recently, two of the movies I loved to watch were, â€Å"Friends with Benefits†, and â€Å"Blended†. In my opinion, both are amazing in its genre, romantic comedy, and captured the viewer’s laugh; nevertheless, the differences in the story plot, and character’s roles, are the causes for the opinions received from spectators, critics and myself. First, the differences, the story plot is essential to produce eye-catching movies, audiences has diverse preferences, even in the same issue. Nowadays, the movies tend to represent the reality of the relationships, more than the ideals relationships, which is typical in romantic movies. In the movie Friends with Benefits, an open mind relationship is the initial motor for Jamie Rellis (Mila Kunis), and Dylan Harper (Justin Timberlake). Jamie is a New York executive recruiter, herShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesOrienting, and Developing Employees 182 Managing Careers 208 PART 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 MAINTAINING HIGH PERFORMANCE Establishing the Performance Management System 230 Establishing Rewards and Pay Plans 260 Employee Benefits 286 Ensuring a Safe and Healthy Work Environment 312 PART 6 Chapter 14 LABOR–MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTS Understanding Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining 340 Endnotes 367 Glossary 389 Company Index 395 Subject Index 398 v Contents Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesPrograms and Motivation Theories 252 Using Rewards to Motivate Employees 252 What to Pay: Establishing a Pay Structure 252 †¢ How to Pay: Rewarding Individual Employees Through Variable-Pay Programs 253 †¢ Flexible xii CONTENTS Benefits: Developing a Benefits Package 257 †¢ Intrinsic Rewards: Employee Recognition Programs 259 Summary and Implications for Managers 261 S A L Self-Assessment Library What’s My Job’s Motivating Potential? 240 Myth or Science? â€Å"CEO Pay Can’t Be Measured†Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 PagesTable 9.1 Table 9.2 Table 9.3 Table 10.1 Table 10.2 Knowledge constituting philosophical assumptions Hierarchy of science and organization theory Fatalism and optimism in the ‘new’ modernist organization Bell’s stages of societal development Fordism vs. post-fordism The incidence of part-time work in European Union member states Modernism versus postmodernism Affirmative versus sceptical postmodernism The changing condition of knowledge Pay and profits: Long run performance of FTSE 100 companies (2002
Nursing Sociology How Class Affects Health Free Essays
Inequalities in health between social groups have long been a dominant feature of British Society. Evidence suggests that people in the lower social scale suffer from ill health more than the middle and upper classes. This essay aims to address the reasons for this trend by primarily looking at evidence found in the Black Report, Acheson Report and the Marmot Review and by evaluating the explanations given to support the evidence. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Sociology : How Class Affects Health or any similar topic only for you Order Now The concept of social class is wide ranging – people can move between classes or have character/ occupational traits that cross more than one class. (Giddens, 2001: p282) described Social Class as ‘A large scale grouping of people who share common resources which strongly influence the type of lifestyle they are able to lead. ’ Government statisticians have measured Social Class using the ‘Registrar General’s Social Class’ (RGSC) scale.First used in Britain in 1911, the census divided people into six social classes based on the occupation of the head of household; Men were allocated on basis of their occupation, Married/cohabiting women on basis of their partner’s occupation, Children on basis of their father’s occupation and Single women on basis of their own occupation. Following the 2001 census the scale used to measure class changed to the ‘National Statistics Socioeconomic Classification (NS-SEC)’.The change of scale reflected the changing nature of occupations, the growth of middle class professions, the levels of social esteem that these jobs attracted and it ran ked the occupations according to the level of responsibility that the job entailed. The Black Report published in 1980 was a report commissioned by the Labour Government. It used the Registrar General scale as follows; I) Professional II) Managerial/Technical III (NM) Skilled (non-manual) III(M) Skilled (manual) IV) Partly Skilled V) Unskilled VI) OtherTo show the health inequalities of people in Social Class V compared to those in Social Class I. It demonstrated that although the health of the nation had improved since the introduction of the Welfare state, there were still large divides between the social classes, with the people in social class V suffering more from poor health. It is evident from the life expectancy rates that people in Social Class V live shorter lives than that of people higher social classes. The Black Report revealed that class differences are found at birth, childhood, adolescence and in adult life.Average life expectancy is a useful summary of the impact of disadvantages and advantages on a person’s life due to their class. In 1980 a child born to parents in social classes I – II will live on average five years longer than a child born into social classes IV – V. The risk of death during birth and the first month of life in class V was double the risk in class I. In 1977 Babies born into class III(M) had one and a half times more risk of mortality than babies born from parents i n social class I and for every one male infant death in class I there were almost two deaths in class III(M) and four deaths in class V (Table 2). There were more cases of children dying with diseases of the respiratory system and infective parasitic diseases in the lower social classes. See Graph 3 . Adult males and females in class V had one and a half to two times the risk of death than those of the same age group in social class I. From the sample range of 15-64 years from when the Black report was compiled, people in the earlier ages had the greatest mortality rate within the different classes as Table 4 indicates.The premature deaths in Britain was systematically linked to socio-economic class, it was a trend that was not new or unusual when the report was commissioned and is still a factor in today’s society. The Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health Report (also known as the Acheson Report), was a report published in 1998 by the Labour Government. The Acheson Report reiterated the evidence found in its predecessor the Black Report, that there are considerable disparities between health and the social cl asses. The Acheson report also used the Registrar General Scale to support its findings, although the report did take note of the level of education, the residential area and the ability to own assets as a factor of defining social class. The Acheson report found that death rates had fallen between the years 1978-1998, but the differences among the top and bottom scale had widened. For People in the lower social classes, mortality rates were three times higher in 1990’s than they were in the 1970’s. See table 5. This is due to a significant decline in the higher social classes mortality rate than in the lower classes.Premature Mortality (death before the age of 65) was considerably higher for those in social class V, Heart Disease was the prominent reason for premature death. See table 6. A link to such a large percentage of people dying due to heart disease could be linked to the problem of obesity within the lower classes. Although life expectancy had risen and people were living longer, they were not necessarily living healthier lives. In 2010 the Government ordered ‘Fair Society, Healthy Lives’ (The Marmot Review) The report used the NS-SEC method of gauging social class.In England the report discovered that people living in the poorest areas were on average more likely to die seven years younger than those living in the wealthier neighbourhoods. See graph seven. More worryingly the report found that there is still a problem that was addressed in the Acheson report 13 years previously – that people in the lower social classes and living in poor areas have a greater level of living a life with a disability, some 17 years more than in the wealthier classes and regions.To summarise, people not only die sooner in the lower classes, they also spend their shorter life with a disability. The Marmot Review explained the disparity as ‘Differences in health do not arise by chance, and they cannot be attributed simply to genetic makeup, ‘bad’ behaviour, or difficulties in access to medical care, important as these factors may be. Social and economic differences in health status reflect, and are caused by, social and economic inequalities in society.The Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH), set up by the World Health Organisation, concluded that social inequalities in health arise because of inequalities in the conditions of daily life – the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age – and the fundamental drivers that give rise to them: inequities in power, money and resources. There are four main explanations as to why socio economic status affects health so greatly. One reason is Measuring Artefact (Townsend and Davidson, 1982: 154) both class and health are artefacts of the measuring process, and ny obs erved relationship must also be an artefact. Variations in diagnosis, certification, classification and coding processes have been identified as contributing to observed health relationships (Bloor et al. , 1987). Class related health differences are merely the result of the biases involved in the measurement and recording of the data obtained in the reports. Further reports such as the Acheson Report have rejected this explanation as the evidence was deemed to be consistent and used long ranging data to back up the claims made. Another explanation is the Natural / Social Selection.This perspective argues that health status can influence social position. It is suggested that those who are healthy are more likely to be upwardly mobile and those who are unhealthy are more likely to drift into the lower social classes (Nettleton 2006, p182) In other words it’s ill health that causes people to lead a life of poverty – people cannot hold down a full time job if they have a chronic medical condition that leads to them needing to take time off work sick, therefore it’s not poverty itself that’s the cause of a person’s ill health, rather ill health causing poverty.H owever, most health problems emerge when people enter adulthood often after commencing full time education and career choices have been made making this hypothesis less likely. Cultural explanations suggest that the lower social classes prefer a less healthy lifestyle. (Nettleton 2006, p 183)They eat more foods that are high in fat, smoke more and take less exercise than the upper and middle classes. (Our Healthier nation, 1998) commented that a sense of control over life and having optimism for the future is good for health.However people in the lower classes may have an underdeveloped locus of self control; their fate starts and ends with the life chances they were born with. ‘Those who are more deprived in society will, because of their position relative to others, experience more depression and anxiety which, in turn, may be associated with lower levels of well being and poorer health (Graham. E, et al 2000, p 177). Leading to a feeling of hopelessness at the hand they were dealt with in life, low income, deprivation and social exclusion all influence smoking levels.It’s harder to stop smoking when worrying about making ends meet (Our Healthier Nation, 1998, p 16) this creates a self fulfilling prophecy which in turns leads to a l ife of deprivation and ill health. The Materialistic explanation blames living in poverty as the reason for ill health. ‘Those on low incomes, live in poorer housing conditions, in more polluted areas with fewer facilities, can afford less of many of the more palatable forms of healthy food and are often employed in the most heavy and hazardous industries (Blane et al. 998). Poor housing conditions, lack of resources, higher risk occupations, limited access to transport links all impact negatively on health. Although this reason isn’t the answer for all the ill health in society (some conditions are more prevalent in the upper classes, such as prostate cancer) there is little dispute that the poorest regions of Britain have the worst cases of ill health and mortality. It is evident that Social class is made up of variables, such as; occupation, education, social status, background and wealth.Each person in society has their own history and it would be naive and stereotypical to say that every person in a lower social class smokes, eats badly and doesn’t take any exercise. Similarly, not every person in the upper classes lives a life without becoming ill at any time. All of these factors can influence a person’s health and lifestyle choices. It is hard to over look the evidence, coupled with the material explanation, that people will have a shorter life, more prone to ill health than that of the wealthier, elevated social classes. How to cite Nursing Sociology : How Class Affects Health, Papers
Study of Poetry and A Poets Ability to Forsee The Future The world is changing and evolving at an astounding rate Essay Example For Students
Study of Poetry and A Poets Ability to Forsee The Future The world is changing and evolving at an astounding rate Essay The world is changing and evolving at an astounding rate. Within the last one hundred years, the Western community has seen advances in technology and medicine that has improved the lifestyles and longevity of almost every individual. Within the last two hundred years, we have seen two World Wars, and countless disputes over false borders created by colonialists, slavery, and every horrid form of human suffering imaginable! Human lifestyles and cultures are changing every minute. While our grandparents and ancestors were growing-up, do you think that they ever imagined the world we live in today? What is to come is almost inconceivable to us now. In this world, the only thing we can be sure of is that everything will change. With all of these transformations happening, it is a wonder that a great poet may write words over one hundred years ago, that are still relevant in todays modern world. It is also remarkable that their written words can tell us more about our present, than they did about our past. Is it just an illusion that our world is evolving, or do these great poets have the power to see into the future? In this brief essay, I will investigate the immortal characteristics of poetry written between 1794 and 1919. And, I will show that these classical poems can actually hold more relevance today, than they did in the year they were written. Along the way, we will pay close attention to the style of the poetry, and the strength of words and symbols used to intensify the poets revelations. The World Is Too Much with Us, written by William Wordsworth in 1807 is a warning to his generation, that they are losing sight of what is truly important in this world: nature and God. To some, they are one in the same. As if lacking appreciation for the natural gifts of God is not sin enough, we add to it the insult of pride for our rape of His land. Wordsworth makes this poetic message immortal with his powerful and emotional words. Let us study his powerful style: The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! Lines 1 4 Materialism, wasteful selfishness, prostitution! These are the images that these lines bring to me! Yet, is it not more true today than in Wordsworths time, that we are a culture of people who simply consume and waste? The third line awakens me, and says that I have been raised with the mentality that I am not a part of nature, and that I do not identify my needs with those of natures needs. This mentality may have been quite true in 1807, but it is surely more true in 1996. There is absolute disregard of nature in the acts of well respected western corporations. Would someone who is in-touch with nature orchestrate the slash and burn of beautiful rain forests of South America, or the life giving jungles of Africa and Asia? Would someone who is in-touch with nature dump chemical waste into waters that are home to billions of plants and animals? These and other abominations have surely increased in the last 189 years since this poem was written. What makes the sin even worse is the fact that men who order this destruction are well respected people in our culture. .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 , .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 .postImageUrl , .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 , .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178:hover , .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178:visited , .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178:active { border:0!important; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178:active , .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178 .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uda6d4cfe6e14e012498ee60274b13178:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How appropriate is the term cultural revolution EssayThe winds that will be howling at all hours, And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers; For this, for everything, we are out of tune; It moves us not. Great God! Lines 6 9 Wordsworth gives life to nature in his words, and displays to us natures agony and pain, howling at all hours. But, we listen not! For we are out of tune, and much too important to ourselves, that we may not listen to the wind, rain, land or sea. I do not know which is the greater sin: the pillage of the earths natural beauty, or mans torturous inhumanity toward his fellow man. London, written in 1794, by William Blake is a poem of civilizations decline à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" and also the decline of compassion and humanity. I wander thro each charterd street, Near where the charterd Thames does flow, And mark in every face I meet Marks of weakness, marks of woe. Lines 1 4 London, a city of millions, with very few who are wealthy enough to own land. In a subtle way, Blake tells us that every inch of London is owned à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" the charterd streets, the charterd Thames. It is a reflection of the immaturity of our culture that we allow just 50f the worlds population to control 800f the worlds wealth , leaving most in utter poverty. This is especially true today: the United States frequently dumps excess farm and dairy produce to keep their market price high, rather than share the excess food with the hungry people of the world. During Blakes time, the world was not in such excess as it is today. It seems that in our culture, the more we have, the more we waste. How the Chimney-Sweepers cry Every blackning Church appalls, And the hapless Soldiers sigh Runs in blood down Palace walls. Lines 9 12 Every potent word of these four lines inject emotions of grief, hopelessness, and death: the images of the childs cry, the blackning Church, and blood on Palace walls. The words force us to mourn the decline of Londons society. The history of the child enslavement of chimney sweepers, during Blakes time, was a horrid inhumanity to children. Great Britain and other western nations would like to praise themselves for abolishing this sort of slavery. However, the inhumanity of child enslavement is more true today than in the seventeen and eighteen hundreds. The sin of enslavement is even more heightened, because neocolonialism and multinational corporations have moved their inhumane business practices to developing countries, where they may take advantage of the desperation and poverty of those areas. In addition, the disturbing images of slavery are hidden from westerners who respect the success of multinational corporations. Yes, Blakes poem is very relevant today. It is difficult to choose among William Butler Yeats most timeless poems, because every one of them has immortal qualities. His poem, The Second Coming, not only embraces eternal relevance and a deep understanding of humanitys history, but also the fruits of prophesy! Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Lines 1 4 With respect to the two major topics discussed before mans inhumanity and disrespect for nature, this stanza offers much insight into the progression of humanity. The state of decline that was described in poems written over one hundred years ago described a human cultural trend that is to continue on an intensifying cycle, like the widening gyre. Today, we are approaching a state of complete detachment from our origin, our nature and our God: The falcon cannot hear the falconer, as insightfully described by Yeats. This stanza is so very relevant to us, because it symbolically describes every aspect of the progression of humanity! Yeats poetry transcends immortality, and becomes prophetic! His widening gyre symbolizes the climactic end, until anarchy is upon us. Every word of his poem creates a deep fear of humanitys downward spiral. The relevance of poetry is undeniable. As Percy Bysshe Shelley admits, A poem is the very image of life expressed in its eternal truth. It is an eternal truth that can offer wisdom for hundreds of years after the poems birth. A prophet or a mystic may attempt to tell ones future; but, the poet approaches from a very different angle. The poet becomes intimate with the nature of humanity, and its timeless characteristics. .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 , .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 .postImageUrl , .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 , .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6:hover , .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6:visited , .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6:active { border:0!important; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6:active , .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6 .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6f04d686056afd19dae3f1b56afe94a6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ever since the discrimination between haves and have-nots was initiated we can't imagine a world without it EssayIn this way, the poet surrounds himself in a divine sort of wisdom. Truly, poetry is immortal. To explore the wisdom and symbolic message of poetry is an exciting journey for me. As a child, I was never introduced to poetry, and certainly never was exposed to its importance. To study the deeper meaning of poetry has been a challenge and an adventure. It has brought my mind to contemplate things to which I have never attached a value, such as my personal connection with nature. I agree with Shelley, that poetry awakens and enlarges the mind itself by rendering it the receptacle of a thousand unapprehended combinations of thought.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Elbow Replacement Device
Question: Discuss about theElbow Replacement Device. Answer: Elbow Replacement Device Design Features The individual prosthesis has got two parts. The humeral component which replaces the humeruss lower end in the arms upper region. The part consists of a stem that is long enough to anchor it in the hollow middle of the humerus. The other component is ulnar which substitutes the ulna's upper-end region in the forearm. The ulnar component consists of a metal stem that is short and helps to anchor the ulna component onto the hollow middle of the ulna(Wendelburg, et al., 2015). The hinge that is in between the humeral component and the ulnar components is made up of a metal and a piece of plastic. The plastic section of the hinge is strong enough to withstand any adverse conditions after the replacement. The part of the hinge is also slick. The plastic part of the hinge allows the smooth sliding of the newly formed joint against one another as the elbow is moved or rotated. The hinge enables the elbow to either bend or straightens with ease. Surgical Considerations Before surgery gets conducted, the doctor may take into account on some particular consideration in the process of a prosthesis. First, the doctor should consider moving the ulna nerve so that it does not get injured during the surgery and replacement exercise. When the total elbow arthroplasty is complete, the doctor returns the ulnar nerve to its original position. Moreover, anatomical considerations should be taken seriously since the prosthesis would involve the humerus, two forearm bones and the four articulations of the elbow joint that have got a greater degree of congruence(Bachman Cil, 2017). In such a case, the doctor shall find that the ulnar nerve usually runs straight through the groove of the humerus and cuts down into the bones medial forearm. Due to this anatomical positions, the doctor should be careful so as to minimize on the entrapment of the ulnar nerve. Anatomically, the ulnar nerve gets subjected to a transient of approximately ten percent or do display a part ial dysfunction at times. The triceps insufficiency usually gets removed virtually through the Kocher lateral-to-medial approach or the approach of the Bryan lateral-to-medial triceps-sparing. Similarly, the doctor and other specialists should take into consideration the factor of pathogenesis. In most instances, elbow arthritis may attack the joint surface destroying it through different ways like through wear and tear, causing injuries or by inflammation. The joint destruction result into the elbow stiffness, feeling of pain and renders it unfunctional or fails to function normally. The common elbow arthritis is known as the Rheumatoid Arthritis which affects the joint surface of the elbow within the five years of attack(Bartel, et al., 2016). Individuals affected by the arthritis experience a lot of pain, elbow stiffness, and reduced functionality of the elbow. Also, the affected individuals have hard moments on sleeping on the arm whose elbow is affected, and they commonly cannot rotate the elbow freely. Another symptom is that when the affected individuals elbow gets moved, he or she feels the grinding effect. The doctor should consider all these factors before undert aking the surgery of the elbow and do a joint replacement. Additionally, epidemiology is another important factor to be considered by the doctor. During the prosthesis, for instance, total elbow arthroplasty which gets usually conducted on the elbow joint surfaces which severely affected by rheumatoid arthritis and on the elbows having fractures of the distal humerus(Henning Teare, 2014). The doctor should have adequate knowledge that occasionally the elbow fractures constitute roughly four percent of total fractures on the patients elbow. The specialist should have knowledge that mostly fractures affects the boys aged between five to ten years. On the contrary, the prosthesis of total elbow arthroplasty gets done in women aged sixty-five years having the distal humerus breakages. Besides, the surgical interventions are quite essential in handling the distal fractures of the humerus in cases where the assessment gets conducted on the type of fracture, what soft tissues is affected, the stability of the joint and the bones integrity. The specialist should consider this factor since the surgical intervention is a usual recommendation for the elbow joints that are severely affected by rheumatoid arthritis(Kane, et al., 2016). Occasionally, the elbow replacement gets conducted so as to restore the functionality of the joint through the removal of the tissue scars, promoting muscles balancing, and doing the joint replacement in cases of a completely affected elbow. Finally, some considerations factored after the surgical process is complete. Some the considerations include the probability of developing an infection after the implantation. Also, the risk for joint dislocation from the original place should get considered too. Lastly, the consideration whether the prosthetic procedure would result in joint loosening or not(Brunelle Weinstein, 2016). Access During the surgical process, the approach of the Bryan-Murray gets applied. An incision, 15cm, which is centered laterally into the medial epicondyle and that of the olecranon tip is made straight. The ulnar nerve gets located first and then moved to have it protected from accidental damage. Immediately after the administration of the anesthetic and preparation of the elbow, an incision which is approximately three inches made above and below the elbow(Khowaylo, et al., 2015). The incision should get done across the medial on the ulnas proximal. The incision which is about three inches above and below the elbow facilitates access to the affected joint without destroying the vital muscles which play a crucial role in the elbows movement. Materials The following biosynthetic materials formed parts of the replacement device; the polymers which would serve as the articulating surfaces and also as the bone cement. Besides, the metals would form stems of artificial components of the humerus and the ulna(Pressacco, et al., 2016). In certain circumstances, the polymer substances get substituted with the stronger ceramic materials. Peripheral Devices Some of the peripheral devices include the humeral and ulnar components, the hinge and bearing. References Wendelburg, K., Tepic, S. and Tepic, I., Kyon Ag, 2015.Elbow joint prosthesis and method for implantation. U.S. Patent 9,023,110. Bachman, D. and Cil, A., 2017. Current concepts in elbow arthroplasty.EFORT Open Reviews,2(4), pp.83-88. Bartel, D.L., Figgie, M.P., Hotchkiss, R.N., Lipman, J.D., Lo, D. and Wright, T.M., New York Society For The Ruptured and Crippled Maintaining The Hospital For Special Surgery, 2016.Elbow replacement apparatus and methods. U.S. Patent 9,358,116. Henning, S. and Teare, L., 2014. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infection: an unusual complication of total elbow arthroplasty.JMM Case Reports,1(2). Kane, P.M., Stull, J.D. and Culp, R.W., 2016. Concomitant Total Wrist and Total Elbow Arthroplasty in a Rheumatoid Patient.Journal of wrist surgery,5(02), pp.137-142. Khowaylo, A., Malayter, J., McCarthy, M.P. and Washburn, D., Acuitive Technologies, Inc., 2015.Joint Replacement or Joint Resurfacing Devices, Systems and Methods. U.S. Patent Application 14/737,697. Brunelle, J. and Weinstein, A., Synovis Orthopedic and Woundcare, Inc., 2016.Device for soft tissue repair or replacement. U.S. Patent 9,387,280. Pressacco, M., Del Negro, N., Fattori, A., Hotchkiss, R.N., Figgie, M.P., Wright, T.M., Lipman, J.D. and Lo, D., Limacorporate Spa, 2016.Elbow replacement apparatus and methods. U.S. Patent Application 15/174,533.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
The Novel, The Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison, Opens With The Nameless
The novel, The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, opens with the nameless narrator hearing the last words of his dying grandfather. Throughout the rest of the novel, the messages from his grandfather are omnipresent. They foreshadow his downfalls in the future. He is convinced by his parents to ignore his grandfather's words of wisdom by his parents, but his grandfather is right in the end. INSERT TEXT HERE. The narrator is not only a black man, but a black sheep. The narrator sees his education as his hope for the future. When he looks in the briefcase given to him by the superintendent he sees something. It was a scholarship to the state college for Negroes. My eyes filled with tears and I ran awkwardly on the floor. The narrator could now afford to take his education further. Education is so important to the narrator because it raises his status above the other blacks, but when he tried to use the education he faltered. He feels as if he will be able to contribute so much to the world when he receives this scholarship from the superintendent. This gives the narrator a hope for the future. Towards the end of the novel, the narrator begins to realize the truth about his life. I was and yet I was invisible, that was the fundamental contradiction. I was and yet I was unseen. It was frightening and as I sat there I sensed another frightening world of possibilities.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Dead Poets Society Film Review.
Dead Poets Society Film Review. After watching this film, my very first impression was it was inspiring. Both the elegance and disgrace were clearly distinguished. Different settings combined and the visually well-seen themes added life to the already magnificent film.The year is 1959 and the place, Welton Academy, one of the best schools in the United States. It is the beginning of a new semester. Neil Perry met a new student, Todd Anderson, who is also his new roommate. Neil has been in this boarding school with his friends for the last several years. They've always been educated in a strict and traditional way. There is a new English teacher in their class, Mr. John Keating. His way of teaching, on the contrary, is emphasised by freedom and imagination. He won over the boys by his wit and exuberance. He led the boys to the "Dead Poets Society". The boys got a source of newfound energy and inspiration and started to seize the things that they were passionate about...KeatingJohn Keating, Neil Perry, Todd Anderson, Knox Overstreet, Charlie Dalton and Mr Perry were the key characters. They all have their own personalities and ambitions. Out of all these people, I pick Todd Anderson as my favourite character. At the start of the film, Todd was timid and taciturn, mainly because he was unwilling to come to Welton and he must walk in the shadow of his big brother, a valedictorian. He's got the responsibility to 'fill some big shoes'; therefore he didn't spend time to communicate with people, while he put all the effort in the school work. It was his roommate, Neil Perry, who tried to help him and finally persuaded him to join in the 'Dead Poets Society', which turned out to be remarkably important for...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Socrates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Socrates - Essay Example It is however not well known how Socrates supported himself. Whereas some contemporaries point out that he got paid for teaching philosophy, others like Plato points out Socrates did not accept any payment, citing his poor status as a proof of lack of payment. During his late adulthood, Socrates married a young woman Xanthippe and together had three sons Lamprocles, Sophroniscus and Menexenus. Socrates however had little to do with the upbringing of his sons and more with the intellectual and philosophical development of the Athens youth. He also served as an Athenian soldier and participated in three military campaigns one in which he personally saved the life of a popular Athenian general (Cohen, 30). Socrates’ philosophy was greatly preoccupied with the notion of the good and evil of the society. His aim was to bring about an ethical society that depended on the inner need to live ethically rather than being guided by theological or other perspectives (Abel, 430). Socrates work therefore founded a basis for the development of theories of ethics and republic that were coined by later philosophers. First, Socrates believed that the true value of life is in the pursuit of true knowledge. From his perspective, â€Å"the unexamined life is not worth living†(Cohen, 46). To stress on ethics as a concept to die for, he does not accept exile when convicted and chooses to remain in Athens and face death in an environment where he could cross-examine people as he wished. Although he feels that he is the one wronged by the state and those who brought him to trial ( Abel, 11). In the light of the ethics, he proposed, Socrates explained further the notion of soul and the body. The soul and the body exist separately. â€Å"An orderly soul will, therefore, be able to rule over bodily desires†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and lead the thoughts towards what is ethical and true (Cohen, 46). After the accusations and ultimate conviction,
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Holocaust and Jewish-Christian Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Holocaust and Jewish-Christian Relations - Essay Example The continued anti-Semitic feelings of the Church stem from Christian teachings based on interpretations of the New Testament that have also contributed to the Holocaust and the persecution of Jews in Europe over the centuries. In 1814, Jews in the Papal States were locked into cramped ghettos at night, were forbidden to practice law or medicine, to hold public office or to hire Christian servants. Meanwhile elsewhere in Europe, Jews were increasingly free to live as they wanted. These practices were the inspiration for the racial laws enacted by the Nazis and the Italian Fascists in the 1930's. After the fall of the Papal States in 1870, the Church's hostility towards the Jews began to take an even more disturbing form. No longer simply loathed as unbelievers, the Jews became hated symbols of secular modernity. With varying degrees of enthusiasm the German Catholic Church sympathized with, if not actually supported the Nazis. Their views on communism, socialism, liberalism and freemasonry were similar to those of the Nazis. Though these Church leaders were concerned with some aspects of the National Socialist regime, they did virtually nothing to stem the growing tide of anti-Semitism. Some of them even agreed with the Nazi ideals to "endeavor to maintain the purity of the German blood and German race" and to fight the Jews' "hegemony in finance, the destructive influence of the Jews in religion, morality, literature and art, and political and social life." (The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, pg 23). Hitler was inaugurated as Chancellor of Germany on January 30 1933 with 52% of the votes. To make constitutional changes, the National Socialists needed two thirds of the votes. Therefore Hitler felt compelled to appease the Catholics and made a series of promises and concessions to German Catholicism. On March 23 he released a statement assuring the Christian churches of his resolve to work for peaceful relations between the church and the state. After Hitler gained power the German Catholic leaders adjusted to the Nazi regime and most church leaders enthusiastically supported the domestic and foreign policies of the Fhrer during most of the Nationalist Socialist era. Some thought that the anti-Jewish laws were in fact beneficial as they eliminated Jewish influences considered harmful to Christian society. On the 20th of July 1933 the Concordat between the Vatican and the Third Reich was signed. It was a major step towards legitimizing the Hitler regime and sealed the subordination of German Catholics to the Nazi program. Therefore on June 1 all German Catholic bishops issued a letter withdrawing earlier prohibitions against membership of the Nazi party and encouraged the faithful to be loyal and obedient to the new program. They looked upon the National Socialist regime as another anti-communist authoritarian system, not recognizing Hitler's totalitarian ambitions. On March 24, Hitler acquired the support of the Catholic Cen tre Party for passage of the Enabling Act, under which Hitler could enact ordinary legislation by decree. This right was extended a year after
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Operating Systems Information Technology Essay
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Operating Systems Information Technology Essay Level of involvement is one of the characteristic of honeypot and this level of involvement is used to measure the degree of interaction of the attacker with the operating system. Commonly a low-involvement honeypot will provide certain fake services [Spi01] and these services can only be implemented if somebody listen on a specific port. It is not possible to catch complex protocols communication with such a simple solution. An SMTP handshake will not give much useful information because an answering service is not listening. On a low-involvement honeypot there is no real operating system on which the attacker can operate and this will minimize the risk as there will be no complexity of the operating system. This is a disadvantage as it is not possible to watch an attacker interacting with the operating system. Role of this low-involvement honeypot is very passive as it is like a one-way connection in which we can only listen, but we do not ask questions ourselves. Figure 5.1: Low-involvement honeypot: A low-involvement honeypot does reduce risk to a minimum by minimizing interaction with the attacker Both low-level involvement honeypot and passive IDS are comparable as both the systems will not alter any traffic or interact with the attacker or the traffic flow. If the incoming packets match their patterns they are used to create logs and alerts. 5.1.2 Mid-involvement Honeypot A mid-involvement honeypot provides more interaction, but doesnt provide a real operating system. The fake daemons have deeper knowledge about the particular services they provide and are complicated. And risk will also increase. As the complexity of the honeypot increases the probability of the attacker to find the security hole or vulnerability is getting bigger. As there are no boundaries for the security and logging mechanisms built for this kind of events, a compromise of this system is still unlikely and certainly no goal. In the higher level of interaction, there is a possibility of more complex attacks and can be logged and analyzed. In general, the attacker has more possibilities to interact and probe the system and gets a better illusion of a real operating system. It is complex and time consuming for developing a mid-involvement honeypot and special care has to be taken for checking the security as all developed fake daemons must be as secure as possible. The developed versions must be very secure than their real counterparts, because this is the main reason to substitute these with fake variants. As each protocol and service must be understood in detail the knowledge for developing such a system must be very high. Figure 5.2: Mid-involvement honeypot: A mid-involvement honeypot does interact with the user in a minimal way 5.1.3 High-involvement Honeypot A high-involvement honeypot consists of an operating system and this leads to a much higher risk as the complexity increases and also at the same time, the possibility for gathering information, the possible attacks and the attractiveness increases a lot. One of the goal of the hacker is to gain root and to have the access to a shell,connected to the Internet 24/7. Such an environment is offered by high-involvement honeypot. As soon as a hacker gains the access, his real work and the interesting part begins. To get this level of freedom the attacker has to compromise the system, and then he will have the root rights on the system and can do everything at any instance on the compromised system. According to se, this system is not secure and even the whole machine cannot be considered as secure. This doesnot matter if he is in a sandbox, in a jail or a VMW box as there can be ways to get out of these software boundaries. Figure 5.3: High-involvement honeypot: A high-involvement honeypot has great risk as the attacker can compromise the system and use all its resources. This honeypot is very time consuming and the system should be kept under observation most of the time. If a honeypot is not under control then it is not of much help and it can become a danger or security hole itself. As the honeypot can be used by the blackhats as if its a real compromised system,it is very important to limit a honeypots access to the local intranet. As the danger once a system is fully compromised can b e reduced, limiting outbound traffic is also an important point to consider. If a full operating system is provided to the attacker, he can upload and install new files. As all actions can be recorded and analyzed, here a high-involvement honeypot can show its strength. One of the main goals of a high-involvement honeypot is to gather new information about the blackhat community and legitimates the higher risk. 5.1.4 Overview There are advantages and disadvantages of each level of involvement. Table 5.1: Overview of each level of Involvement advantages and disadvantages The danger is reduced as much as possible by choosing the lowest as possible risk honeypot. While choosing a honeypot and its level of involvement the required maintenance time must be considered. Honeynets are another possible honeypot architecture. 5.2 HONEYNETS NETWORK TOPOLOGIES Here the discussion is regarding the placement of honeypots in a network and a special, more complex version of honeypots which can also be called as honeynet. 5.2.1 Honeypot Location A honeypot does not require a specific environment to live as it is a standard server with no special needs. A honeypot can be placed anywhere a server is placed but some places are better for some approaches than others. Based on the service required, honeypot can be used on the internet as well as on the intranet. If the detection of some bad guys in a private network had wished it would be better to place a honeypot on the intranet which can be useful. Since this system can easily be compromised without immediate knowledge, it is important to set the internal thrust for a honeypot as low as possible. A honeypot can be placed at two locations with Internet as the main concern:  · In front of the firewall  · Behind the firewall (intranet) There are advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Because of the fact that placing a server in front of a firewall is simply not possible or not wished it is sometimes even impossible to choose freely. In Front of the Firewall The risk for the internal network does not increase by placing the honeypot in front of a firewall. Behind the firewall the danger of having a compromised system is eliminated. This can be a problem if no additional firewalls are being used to shield some resources or if the IP is used for the purpose of authentication. A lot of unwished traffic like portscans or attack patterns will be attracted and generated by a honeypot and by placing a honeypot outside the firewall such events does not get logged by the firewall and an internal IDS system will not generate alerts. Or else, lot of alerts will be generated on the firewall or IDS. The biggest advantage of the firewall or IDS and any other resources, is that they need not be adjusted as the honeypot is outside the firewall and viewed as any other machine on the external network. Therefore if a honeypot is running it will not increase the risk of the internal network nor does it introduce new risks. If the honeypot is placed in front of the firewall then internal attackers cannot be located or trapped that easy, particularly if the firewall limits outbound traffic and therefore limits the traffic to the honeypot. Behind the Firewall New security risks to the internal network can be introduced by a honeypot behind the firewall, in particular if the internal network is not secured against the honeypot through additional firewalls. A honeypot provides a lot of services; most of them are not used as exported services to the Internet and are blocked by the firewall. It is inevitable to adjust the firewall rules and also the IDS signatures by placing the honeypot behind the firewall, as it can be wished not to generate an alert every time the honeypot is attacked or scanned. If internal honeypot is compromised by an external attacker the biggest problem will arise. He can then access the internal network through the honeypot. This traffic will not be stopped by the firewall as it is regarded as traffic to the honeypot only, which in turn is granted. It is mandatory for securing an internal honeypot, in particular if it is a high-involvement honeypot. The main reason for placing a honeypot behind a firewall is to detect internal attackers. By making use of the internal honeypot it is possible to detect a mis-configured firewall. It is not possible to place a honeypot in front of a firewall sometimes because no external IPs are available nor access to the network in front of the firewall is possible. 5.2.2 Honeynets A honeypot is a single machine which is used for running multiple virtual operating systems. As the traffic goes directly on to the network it is not possible to control the outbound traffic. Preliminary firewall can be used to limit outbound traffic. Such a complex environment is honeynet. Multiple honeypots and a firewall (or firewalled-bridge) to limit and log network traffic is contained by a typical honeynet. To watch the potential attacks and decode and store network traffic on the preliminary system an IDS can be used. Figure 5.5: Different types of honeypot topologies: Simple honeypot, honeynet and a virtual honeynet If a firewall is placed in front of a honeypot (or multiple honeypots) the risk based on the honeypot can be reduced. Both the inbound as well as the outbound connections can be controlled; it is possible to control the network flow. As logging of network traffic can be done on one centralized location for all honeypots it is very easy. The data that is captured need not be placed on the honeypot itself and the risk of this data detection by an attacker is eliminated. More hardware is required by introducing new machines to the honeypot itself. Only one machine solution is thinkable. It is possible to set up multiple virtual systems on a physical machine by making use of Virtualization software. By this attempt, a firewall can also be placed on the same machine as all virtual honeypots but the security of this solution is not that good compared to different physical machines. If the honeynet is a virtual environment, the attacker could be able to break out of the virtual machine and the system could be compromised. As the attacker cannot see the bridge it is safe to place the bridge with firewall capabilities in front of a honeypot. As the bridge has no IP it is not possible to attack the bridge and therefore no attack point exists. There is complexity of the environment raised when additional hardware is introduced. In order to provide best security networking and associated tools must be understood.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Evolution of Disney Princesses Essay
The Disney princess movies are American classics. Like them or hate them, fairytales are common knowledge in America. Why is it so important that Disney drills viewer’s heads with these fairytales, specifically young girls? While all of the Disney princesses offer viwers obvious good morals and life lessons, there are underlying messages in each innocent tale. America is attempting to shape the female youth with their friendly children’s tales. However, as women’s rights are evolving in America, the Disney princesses are evolving too. Disney keeps gender roles separate and concrete in their movies. The explanation for this behavior is the affect it has on the viewers of the films. In the older princess movies such as Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty women’s place in society was clear: you can get a husband if you are beautiful and women should find it enjoyable to cook and clean. Disney is painting a portrait of the perfect woman as being submissive and dependent on other people, mostly men. In the more recent movies such as The Princess and the Frog and Frozen independence and ambition are two focal characteristics of the newer princesses. The evolution of Disney Princesses is due to the change of women’s place in society over time. With each movie the princesses can be directly correlated to the time period and women’s social standing. â€Å"Skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony.†Snow White, the princess who began it all. She is described as being the most beautiful in all the land, and it seems that this is her most desirable quality. This movie is teaching little girls that as long as they are pretty, boys will want them. Young girls that see Snow White see that she’s beautiful, she’s kind, and she is treated unfairly. But underneath all of those truths, there are some other things she teaches the youth. When she begins living with the seven dwarfs she is the only woman in the house and she now has all of the cooking and cleaning responsibilities. If Prince Charming moved in with the dwarves would they expect him to cook and clean, of course not. This is what Disney is labeling as â€Å"woman’s work†and subconsciously making young girls think that is there place because Snow White makes it look like fun. The next Disney Princess to take the stage was Cinderella. A girl who is mistreated by her stepmother. Cinderella is kept a slave in her own home, forced to wear rags, and serve her stepfamily. Her biggest dream is to go to the ball where she might just see the Prince. She has no dreams bigger than this? This is teaching young girls that as long as they pretty themselves up they might be able to find a wealthy man to escape their terrible living conditions. And â€Å"Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo†she is free from her misfortune. Climbing the social ladder with her good looks rather than her brain. She is showing that the only way out of her misery is to marry a Prince and be dependent on a man rather than seeking happiness and security outside of other people. Not too long after Cinderella, a new princess is introduced whose main purpose is not to clean or cook. Unfortunately, she is still submissive. This marks the first change in the evolution of the Disney Princesses. Beauty and the Beast, a classic tale of inner beauty. Belle is in search of a life greater than her provincial town she grows up in, but when her father is trapped in a Beast’s castle she trades her life for his. From here on out it is a classic case of Stockholm syndrome. She falls in love with her captor because she can see the good in him. She sees the inner beauty and he sees her outer beauty. Let’s turn the tables. If Belle had been overweight and unattractive, would Disney have made the Beast fall for her because of her inner beauty? Disney is teaching young girls that they should love men for who they are, even if they are â€Å"beastly†and give everyone an equal chance but women have to be a â€Å"beauty†to be loved. â€Å"One day I’ll be part of your world.†The only aspiration the next princess is to completely change herself to be what her man wants her to be. Princess Ariel, The Little Mermaid, is a classic fairytale character that has a very entertaining story. She is a mermaid and she wants to become a human. This is a lovely beginning for a story, until finding out her reasons for wanting to be a human. All she wants is to marry a prince, but he is on land. She goes to the sea queen who trades her voice for legs for three days. She is to share true love’s kiss with her prince before the third day. She asks the sea queen, â€Å"Without my voice how will I get him to kiss me?†The sea queen replies, â€Å"You have your looks, your pretty face, and don’t underestimate the power of body language.†She is silenced to get a man, literally. Ariel falls into the same perpetuation of men because she falls for Eric based purely on looks. This is Disney dr illing girl’s heads that their worth to a man is amounted to how sexually desirable they are. All of the Disney princesses from the 20th century films encouraged girls to make their biggest goal in life be to find a man, think that all they have to do is be pretty, and rely on others to save them or make their dreams come true. But that is simply not the case with the 21st century Disney Princess movies. There have been four movies: The Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Brave, and Frozen. All of these movies are very different from one another, but the one thing they all have in common in is that the Princesses main goal is not only to find a man. There has been an evolution in what women are expected to be, so Disney has shaped the role model princesses to be what women are supposed to be in society today. The change started with Tiana, The Frog Princess. She was the first Princess to have a real job, and the first one who had a present birth-mother without a father. Her original goal was to open her own restaurant and run it herself. She accomplishes this goal, and is now an entrepreneur. The prince conforms to her dream rather than her conforming to his, as we have seen previous Disney princesses do. She is the first princess to ever do anything for herself and not for a man, she did end up with a Prince, but he was not her ultimate goal. Women today still want to be married and have a family, but they also now have career goals and an independent life from their spouse. Tiana was the first step to teaching young girls to make an independent life for themselves. The second step of Disney Princess evolution was Rapunzel. She had a life goal to see the floating lights, which her parents let float every year on her birthday. A thief came through her window while running away from the royal guards, but it was not love at first sight like the old princesses. She knocks him out with her frying pan. This shows young girls that they can protect themselves and no longer have to be submissive. She bargained with him so he would help her, and she saves him multiple times during their journey. They spend time during their adventure falling in love with each other’s minds instead of each other’s bodies. In the end, he does come to her rescue but it was an equal relationship. They both put in effort, and they both deserved each other. This is showing young girls that romantic relationships should be equal rather than submissive. It also is telling girls to marry for love rather than money. The third step of Disney Princess evolution was Merida. She is an entirely different kind of princess than all of the other Disney Princesses so far. Her goals are to be able to do whatever activities she wants regardless of if they are â€Å"female activities†or â€Å"male activities.†Most of all, what makes her different is that when she is offered a Prince, she turns it down. She even competes in the competition they have to win her heart, with bows and arrows. She out shoots them (which is a male activity) and wins her own heart. The movie is entirely based around her mending her relationship with her strict mother rather than a quest for love. It sends the message to young girls that they should marry only if they want to and they can do activities that aren’t considered to be for their gender (such as shooting arrows). This was the first Disney Princess movie that did not end with a romantic relationship blooming. In the new Disney Princess movie, Frozen, the Disney Princesses are in entire new light of representing women and their roles in society. This is the newest development in the evolution of Disney Princesses. The most recent steps in the evolution of Disney Princesses are Anna and Elsa from Frozen. Anna sets off on a quest to save her sister Elsa. This quest involves no knight in shining armor to save her. Anna meets a young prince at the beginning of the movie, and she thinks she is in love. But, like in real life, this man is not his first impression. He turns out to try to take her throne and kill her sister. When he tries to kill her sister, Anna saves her and gives her own life in return. They show â€Å"an act of true love†and it is not romantic. This is a monumental movie for Disney. It has finally overcome it’s obsession with men saving women. This movie is particularly influential for young girls because it promotes familial love instead of romantic love. Young girls now will see that you can be a strong person without having a man by your side. The more recent Disney Princess films have been encouraging familial love instead of only romantic love. The evolution of Disney Princesses is a symbol of more than just women’s rising equality in the world, but also of the world’s newfound open-mindedness. The media teaches us good and bad things about being a woman through the Disney princesses. What could be next? Perhaps there will be a new princess that is overweight and is learning to be comfortable in her own skin, showing girls that beauty is diverse. Now that women’s place in the world is changing, the Disney princesses are too.
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