Monday, January 27, 2020
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Operating Systems Information Technology Essay
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Operating Systems Information Technology Essay Level of involvement is one of the characteristic of honeypot and this level of involvement is used to measure the degree of interaction of the attacker with the operating system. Commonly a low-involvement honeypot will provide certain fake services [Spi01] and these services can only be implemented if somebody listen on a specific port. It is not possible to catch complex protocols communication with such a simple solution. An SMTP handshake will not give much useful information because an answering service is not listening. On a low-involvement honeypot there is no real operating system on which the attacker can operate and this will minimize the risk as there will be no complexity of the operating system. This is a disadvantage as it is not possible to watch an attacker interacting with the operating system. Role of this low-involvement honeypot is very passive as it is like a one-way connection in which we can only listen, but we do not ask questions ourselves. Figure 5.1: Low-involvement honeypot: A low-involvement honeypot does reduce risk to a minimum by minimizing interaction with the attacker Both low-level involvement honeypot and passive IDS are comparable as both the systems will not alter any traffic or interact with the attacker or the traffic flow. If the incoming packets match their patterns they are used to create logs and alerts. 5.1.2 Mid-involvement Honeypot A mid-involvement honeypot provides more interaction, but doesnt provide a real operating system. The fake daemons have deeper knowledge about the particular services they provide and are complicated. And risk will also increase. As the complexity of the honeypot increases the probability of the attacker to find the security hole or vulnerability is getting bigger. As there are no boundaries for the security and logging mechanisms built for this kind of events, a compromise of this system is still unlikely and certainly no goal. In the higher level of interaction, there is a possibility of more complex attacks and can be logged and analyzed. In general, the attacker has more possibilities to interact and probe the system and gets a better illusion of a real operating system. It is complex and time consuming for developing a mid-involvement honeypot and special care has to be taken for checking the security as all developed fake daemons must be as secure as possible. The developed versions must be very secure than their real counterparts, because this is the main reason to substitute these with fake variants. As each protocol and service must be understood in detail the knowledge for developing such a system must be very high. Figure 5.2: Mid-involvement honeypot: A mid-involvement honeypot does interact with the user in a minimal way 5.1.3 High-involvement Honeypot A high-involvement honeypot consists of an operating system and this leads to a much higher risk as the complexity increases and also at the same time, the possibility for gathering information, the possible attacks and the attractiveness increases a lot. One of the goal of the hacker is to gain root and to have the access to a shell,connected to the Internet 24/7. Such an environment is offered by high-involvement honeypot. As soon as a hacker gains the access, his real work and the interesting part begins. To get this level of freedom the attacker has to compromise the system, and then he will have the root rights on the system and can do everything at any instance on the compromised system. According to se, this system is not secure and even the whole machine cannot be considered as secure. This doesnot matter if he is in a sandbox, in a jail or a VMW box as there can be ways to get out of these software boundaries. Figure 5.3: High-involvement honeypot: A high-involvement honeypot has great risk as the attacker can compromise the system and use all its resources. This honeypot is very time consuming and the system should be kept under observation most of the time. If a honeypot is not under control then it is not of much help and it can become a danger or security hole itself. As the honeypot can be used by the blackhats as if its a real compromised system,it is very important to limit a honeypots access to the local intranet. As the danger once a system is fully compromised can b e reduced, limiting outbound traffic is also an important point to consider. If a full operating system is provided to the attacker, he can upload and install new files. As all actions can be recorded and analyzed, here a high-involvement honeypot can show its strength. One of the main goals of a high-involvement honeypot is to gather new information about the blackhat community and legitimates the higher risk. 5.1.4 Overview There are advantages and disadvantages of each level of involvement. Table 5.1: Overview of each level of Involvement advantages and disadvantages The danger is reduced as much as possible by choosing the lowest as possible risk honeypot. While choosing a honeypot and its level of involvement the required maintenance time must be considered. Honeynets are another possible honeypot architecture. 5.2 HONEYNETS NETWORK TOPOLOGIES Here the discussion is regarding the placement of honeypots in a network and a special, more complex version of honeypots which can also be called as honeynet. 5.2.1 Honeypot Location A honeypot does not require a specific environment to live as it is a standard server with no special needs. A honeypot can be placed anywhere a server is placed but some places are better for some approaches than others. Based on the service required, honeypot can be used on the internet as well as on the intranet. If the detection of some bad guys in a private network had wished it would be better to place a honeypot on the intranet which can be useful. Since this system can easily be compromised without immediate knowledge, it is important to set the internal thrust for a honeypot as low as possible. A honeypot can be placed at two locations with Internet as the main concern:  · In front of the firewall  · Behind the firewall (intranet) There are advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Because of the fact that placing a server in front of a firewall is simply not possible or not wished it is sometimes even impossible to choose freely. In Front of the Firewall The risk for the internal network does not increase by placing the honeypot in front of a firewall. Behind the firewall the danger of having a compromised system is eliminated. This can be a problem if no additional firewalls are being used to shield some resources or if the IP is used for the purpose of authentication. A lot of unwished traffic like portscans or attack patterns will be attracted and generated by a honeypot and by placing a honeypot outside the firewall such events does not get logged by the firewall and an internal IDS system will not generate alerts. Or else, lot of alerts will be generated on the firewall or IDS. The biggest advantage of the firewall or IDS and any other resources, is that they need not be adjusted as the honeypot is outside the firewall and viewed as any other machine on the external network. Therefore if a honeypot is running it will not increase the risk of the internal network nor does it introduce new risks. If the honeypot is placed in front of the firewall then internal attackers cannot be located or trapped that easy, particularly if the firewall limits outbound traffic and therefore limits the traffic to the honeypot. Behind the Firewall New security risks to the internal network can be introduced by a honeypot behind the firewall, in particular if the internal network is not secured against the honeypot through additional firewalls. A honeypot provides a lot of services; most of them are not used as exported services to the Internet and are blocked by the firewall. It is inevitable to adjust the firewall rules and also the IDS signatures by placing the honeypot behind the firewall, as it can be wished not to generate an alert every time the honeypot is attacked or scanned. If internal honeypot is compromised by an external attacker the biggest problem will arise. He can then access the internal network through the honeypot. This traffic will not be stopped by the firewall as it is regarded as traffic to the honeypot only, which in turn is granted. It is mandatory for securing an internal honeypot, in particular if it is a high-involvement honeypot. The main reason for placing a honeypot behind a firewall is to detect internal attackers. By making use of the internal honeypot it is possible to detect a mis-configured firewall. It is not possible to place a honeypot in front of a firewall sometimes because no external IPs are available nor access to the network in front of the firewall is possible. 5.2.2 Honeynets A honeypot is a single machine which is used for running multiple virtual operating systems. As the traffic goes directly on to the network it is not possible to control the outbound traffic. Preliminary firewall can be used to limit outbound traffic. Such a complex environment is honeynet. Multiple honeypots and a firewall (or firewalled-bridge) to limit and log network traffic is contained by a typical honeynet. To watch the potential attacks and decode and store network traffic on the preliminary system an IDS can be used. Figure 5.5: Different types of honeypot topologies: Simple honeypot, honeynet and a virtual honeynet If a firewall is placed in front of a honeypot (or multiple honeypots) the risk based on the honeypot can be reduced. Both the inbound as well as the outbound connections can be controlled; it is possible to control the network flow. As logging of network traffic can be done on one centralized location for all honeypots it is very easy. The data that is captured need not be placed on the honeypot itself and the risk of this data detection by an attacker is eliminated. More hardware is required by introducing new machines to the honeypot itself. Only one machine solution is thinkable. It is possible to set up multiple virtual systems on a physical machine by making use of Virtualization software. By this attempt, a firewall can also be placed on the same machine as all virtual honeypots but the security of this solution is not that good compared to different physical machines. If the honeynet is a virtual environment, the attacker could be able to break out of the virtual machine and the system could be compromised. As the attacker cannot see the bridge it is safe to place the bridge with firewall capabilities in front of a honeypot. As the bridge has no IP it is not possible to attack the bridge and therefore no attack point exists. There is complexity of the environment raised when additional hardware is introduced. In order to provide best security networking and associated tools must be understood.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Evolution of Disney Princesses Essay
The Disney princess movies are American classics. Like them or hate them, fairytales are common knowledge in America. Why is it so important that Disney drills viewer’s heads with these fairytales, specifically young girls? While all of the Disney princesses offer viwers obvious good morals and life lessons, there are underlying messages in each innocent tale. America is attempting to shape the female youth with their friendly children’s tales. However, as women’s rights are evolving in America, the Disney princesses are evolving too. Disney keeps gender roles separate and concrete in their movies. The explanation for this behavior is the affect it has on the viewers of the films. In the older princess movies such as Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty women’s place in society was clear: you can get a husband if you are beautiful and women should find it enjoyable to cook and clean. Disney is painting a portrait of the perfect woman as being submissive and dependent on other people, mostly men. In the more recent movies such as The Princess and the Frog and Frozen independence and ambition are two focal characteristics of the newer princesses. The evolution of Disney Princesses is due to the change of women’s place in society over time. With each movie the princesses can be directly correlated to the time period and women’s social standing. â€Å"Skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony.†Snow White, the princess who began it all. She is described as being the most beautiful in all the land, and it seems that this is her most desirable quality. This movie is teaching little girls that as long as they are pretty, boys will want them. Young girls that see Snow White see that she’s beautiful, she’s kind, and she is treated unfairly. But underneath all of those truths, there are some other things she teaches the youth. When she begins living with the seven dwarfs she is the only woman in the house and she now has all of the cooking and cleaning responsibilities. If Prince Charming moved in with the dwarves would they expect him to cook and clean, of course not. This is what Disney is labeling as â€Å"woman’s work†and subconsciously making young girls think that is there place because Snow White makes it look like fun. The next Disney Princess to take the stage was Cinderella. A girl who is mistreated by her stepmother. Cinderella is kept a slave in her own home, forced to wear rags, and serve her stepfamily. Her biggest dream is to go to the ball where she might just see the Prince. She has no dreams bigger than this? This is teaching young girls that as long as they pretty themselves up they might be able to find a wealthy man to escape their terrible living conditions. And â€Å"Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo†she is free from her misfortune. Climbing the social ladder with her good looks rather than her brain. She is showing that the only way out of her misery is to marry a Prince and be dependent on a man rather than seeking happiness and security outside of other people. Not too long after Cinderella, a new princess is introduced whose main purpose is not to clean or cook. Unfortunately, she is still submissive. This marks the first change in the evolution of the Disney Princesses. Beauty and the Beast, a classic tale of inner beauty. Belle is in search of a life greater than her provincial town she grows up in, but when her father is trapped in a Beast’s castle she trades her life for his. From here on out it is a classic case of Stockholm syndrome. She falls in love with her captor because she can see the good in him. She sees the inner beauty and he sees her outer beauty. Let’s turn the tables. If Belle had been overweight and unattractive, would Disney have made the Beast fall for her because of her inner beauty? Disney is teaching young girls that they should love men for who they are, even if they are â€Å"beastly†and give everyone an equal chance but women have to be a â€Å"beauty†to be loved. â€Å"One day I’ll be part of your world.†The only aspiration the next princess is to completely change herself to be what her man wants her to be. Princess Ariel, The Little Mermaid, is a classic fairytale character that has a very entertaining story. She is a mermaid and she wants to become a human. This is a lovely beginning for a story, until finding out her reasons for wanting to be a human. All she wants is to marry a prince, but he is on land. She goes to the sea queen who trades her voice for legs for three days. She is to share true love’s kiss with her prince before the third day. She asks the sea queen, â€Å"Without my voice how will I get him to kiss me?†The sea queen replies, â€Å"You have your looks, your pretty face, and don’t underestimate the power of body language.†She is silenced to get a man, literally. Ariel falls into the same perpetuation of men because she falls for Eric based purely on looks. This is Disney dr illing girl’s heads that their worth to a man is amounted to how sexually desirable they are. All of the Disney princesses from the 20th century films encouraged girls to make their biggest goal in life be to find a man, think that all they have to do is be pretty, and rely on others to save them or make their dreams come true. But that is simply not the case with the 21st century Disney Princess movies. There have been four movies: The Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Brave, and Frozen. All of these movies are very different from one another, but the one thing they all have in common in is that the Princesses main goal is not only to find a man. There has been an evolution in what women are expected to be, so Disney has shaped the role model princesses to be what women are supposed to be in society today. The change started with Tiana, The Frog Princess. She was the first Princess to have a real job, and the first one who had a present birth-mother without a father. Her original goal was to open her own restaurant and run it herself. She accomplishes this goal, and is now an entrepreneur. The prince conforms to her dream rather than her conforming to his, as we have seen previous Disney princesses do. She is the first princess to ever do anything for herself and not for a man, she did end up with a Prince, but he was not her ultimate goal. Women today still want to be married and have a family, but they also now have career goals and an independent life from their spouse. Tiana was the first step to teaching young girls to make an independent life for themselves. The second step of Disney Princess evolution was Rapunzel. She had a life goal to see the floating lights, which her parents let float every year on her birthday. A thief came through her window while running away from the royal guards, but it was not love at first sight like the old princesses. She knocks him out with her frying pan. This shows young girls that they can protect themselves and no longer have to be submissive. She bargained with him so he would help her, and she saves him multiple times during their journey. They spend time during their adventure falling in love with each other’s minds instead of each other’s bodies. In the end, he does come to her rescue but it was an equal relationship. They both put in effort, and they both deserved each other. This is showing young girls that romantic relationships should be equal rather than submissive. It also is telling girls to marry for love rather than money. The third step of Disney Princess evolution was Merida. She is an entirely different kind of princess than all of the other Disney Princesses so far. Her goals are to be able to do whatever activities she wants regardless of if they are â€Å"female activities†or â€Å"male activities.†Most of all, what makes her different is that when she is offered a Prince, she turns it down. She even competes in the competition they have to win her heart, with bows and arrows. She out shoots them (which is a male activity) and wins her own heart. The movie is entirely based around her mending her relationship with her strict mother rather than a quest for love. It sends the message to young girls that they should marry only if they want to and they can do activities that aren’t considered to be for their gender (such as shooting arrows). This was the first Disney Princess movie that did not end with a romantic relationship blooming. In the new Disney Princess movie, Frozen, the Disney Princesses are in entire new light of representing women and their roles in society. This is the newest development in the evolution of Disney Princesses. The most recent steps in the evolution of Disney Princesses are Anna and Elsa from Frozen. Anna sets off on a quest to save her sister Elsa. This quest involves no knight in shining armor to save her. Anna meets a young prince at the beginning of the movie, and she thinks she is in love. But, like in real life, this man is not his first impression. He turns out to try to take her throne and kill her sister. When he tries to kill her sister, Anna saves her and gives her own life in return. They show â€Å"an act of true love†and it is not romantic. This is a monumental movie for Disney. It has finally overcome it’s obsession with men saving women. This movie is particularly influential for young girls because it promotes familial love instead of romantic love. Young girls now will see that you can be a strong person without having a man by your side. The more recent Disney Princess films have been encouraging familial love instead of only romantic love. The evolution of Disney Princesses is a symbol of more than just women’s rising equality in the world, but also of the world’s newfound open-mindedness. The media teaches us good and bad things about being a woman through the Disney princesses. What could be next? Perhaps there will be a new princess that is overweight and is learning to be comfortable in her own skin, showing girls that beauty is diverse. Now that women’s place in the world is changing, the Disney princesses are too.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Nursing Education
The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice provides the educational framework for the preparation of professional nurses. This document describes the outcomes expected of graduates of baccalaureate nursing programs.The Essentials apply to all pre licensure and RN completion programs, whether the degree is baccalaureate or graduate entry. Program curricula are designed to prepare students to meet the end  of  program outcomes delineated under each Essential.BackgroundThe healthcare delivery system has changed dramatically since The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice was endorsed by the American Associate ion of Colleges of Nursing (AACN, 1998). Building a safer healthcare system has become t he focus of all health professions following numerous reports from the Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2000, 2001, 2004), American Hospital Association (2002), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Kimball & O’Neill, 2002) , the Joint Commission (2002) and other authorities.Nursing has been identified as having the potential for making the biggest impact on a transformation of healthcare delivery to a safer, higher quality, and more cost  effective system. Wit h the increasing awareness of the need for change in the healthcare system, the clinical micro systems (small, functional units where care is provided within the larger system) have become an important focus for improving healthcare outcomes (Nelson, Batalden, & Godfrey, 2007).In addition to the concern over healthcare outcomes, the United States and the global market are experiencing a nursing shortage that is expected to intensify as the demand for more and different nursing services grows. Buerhaus, Staiger, and Auerbach (2008) reported that the U.S. may experience a shortage of more than 500,000 registered nurses by the year 2025. Despite annual increases in enrollments in entry  level baccalaureate nursing programs since 2001 (Fang, H tut, & Bednash, 2008), these increases are not sufficient to meet the projected demand for nurses.According to Buerhaus et al. (2008), enrollment in nursing programs would have to increase at least 40% annually to replace the nurses expected to leave t he workforce through retirement alone. Addressing the need for an increased number of baccalaureate prepared nurses is critical but not sufficient. Nursing must educate future professionals to deliver patient -centered care as members of an inter professional team, emphasizing evidence  based practice, quality improvement approaches, and informatics (IOM, 2003b). Nursing education and practice must work together to better align education with practice environments (Joint Commission, 2002, Kimball & O’Neill, 2002;).The environments in which professional nurses practice have become more diverse and more global in nature. Scientific advances, particularly in the areas of genetics and genomics, have had and will continue t o have a growing and significant impact on prevent ion, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, illnesses, and conditions. The increased prevalence of chronic illness is a result of an increasingly older adult population, environmental threats, lifestyles that increase risk of disease, and enhanced technological and therapeutic interventions that prolong life.Increases in longevity of life have made the older adult the fastest growing segment of the population. In 2003, 12 % of the population was older than 65  years of age. By 2030, this population will increase to 20%, with a large majority older than 80 years of age (He, Sengupta, Velkoff, & DeBarros, 2005). Those older than 65 years of age had almost four times the number of hospitalization days than those younger than 65 years of age (Centers for Disease Control, 2007).Education for the baccalaureate generalist must include content and experiences across the lifespan, including the very young who are especially vulnerable. The p ercentage of the population under 18 years of age is 24.6% (U.S. Census Bureau, 2008). U.S. infant mortality in 2006 ranked 38-th in the world (World Health Organization, 2008). Prevent ion is critical in addressing both acute and chronic conditions across the lifespan. The role of the nurse in prevent ion continues to be of utmost importance. Increasing globalization of healthcare and the diversity of this nation’s population mandates an attention to diversity in order to provide safe, high quality care.The professional nurse practices in a multicultural environment and must possess the skills to provide culturally appropriate care. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2008), the nation's minority population totaled 102 million or 34% of the U.S. population in 2006. Wit h project ions pointing to even greater levels of diversity in the coming years, professional nurses need to demonstrate a sensitivity to and understanding of a variety of cultures to provide high quality car e across settings. Liberal education, including the study of a second language, facilitates the development of an appreciation for diversity. Strong forces influencing the role of nurses include: scientific advances, particularly in the area of genetics and genomics, changing demographics of patient populations, new care technologies, and patient access to healthcare information.These forces call for new ways of thinking and providing health care. Nursing is uniquely positioned to respond to these major  forces, requiring an increased emphasis on designing and implementing patient- centered care, developing partnerships wit h the patient, and a focus on customer service.Nursing EducationIn response to calls for transforming the healthcare system and how healthcare professionals are educated, AACN has maintained an ongoing dialogue wit h a broad representation of stakeholders internal and external to nursing. The dialogue has focused on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes n eeded by nurses to practice effectively within this complex and changing environment. New innovative models of nursing education have emerged, and AACN has taken a leadership role in crafting a preferred vision for nursing education.In 2004, the AACN Board of Directors reaffirmed its posit ion that baccalaureate education is the minimum level required for entry into professional nursing practice in today’s complex healthcare environment. Baccalaureate generalist education, as defined in this document, is the foundation upon which all graduate nursing education builds. The preferred vision for nursing education includes generalist, advanced generalist, and advanced specialty nursing education.Generalist nurse education occurs at a minimum in baccalaureate degree nursing programs. Advanced generalist education occurs in master’s degree nursing programs, including the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL ®), which is an advanced generalist nursing role. Advanced specialty educati on occurs at the doctoral level in Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) or research  focused degree programs (PhD, DNS, or DNSc). End of program outcomes for the baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral nursing programs build on each other.The Discipline of NursingRoles for the baccalaureate generalist nurse are derived from the discipline of nursing. The roles of the baccalaureate generalist include: provider of care,  designer/manager/coordinator of care, and  member of a profession.Nursing generalist practice includes both direct and indirect care for patients, which includes individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations. Nursing practice is built on nursing knowledge, theory, and research. In addition, nursing practice derives knowledge from a wide array of other fields and professions, adapting and applying this knowledge as appropriate to professional practice.In the senior college and university setting, every academic discipline is grounded in discrete inquiry -based applications that are distinctive to that discipline. Scientific advances, (particularly in the area of genetics and genomics), changing demographics of patient populations, new care technologies, and patient access to health care information call for new ways of thinking and doing in the provision of health care. The academic setting provides a forum for contemplating physical, psychological, social, cultural, behavioral, ethical, and spiritual problems within and across disciplines.Faculty have a responsibility to facilitate the translation of knowledge from a liberal education base into the practice of nursing. Nursing faculty introduce nursing science and theories, and guide the student in developing an understanding of the discipline of nursing’s dist inctive perspective.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Gary Ridgeway An American Serial Killer Who Has Made The Us
Gary Ridgeway an American serial killer who has made the U.S. panic in the start of the mid 1980’s and was sentenced in the year 2001. Ridgeway had an infatuation with prostitutes but still tried to live the Godly life he was trying to portray as well. He was undergoing various tribulations by killing the prostitutes after he had sexual intercourse with them it was an excitement to him. He always wanted to know what it would feel like to â€Å"kill someone†he once said and then chuckled right after. His physiological mind comes off in various vibes leaving you confused; but many looked and believed he was the â€Å"perfect neighbor†. In 1980 is when they started finding woman’s bodies and by 1986 they already found thirty six bodies believing Gary Ridgeway was a suspect but was not sentenced than. Much of his childhood along with what his household was like in his younger years, somewhat made him out to be the man he is today a â€Å"sexual homicide offender†. His interactions he had with his mother and father led him to be an angry child at times. His mother would dress and undress inappropriately in front of him causing him either to be sexually aroused or calling her a whore. While his father and he would engage in sexual activities which led Ridgeway to become interested in â€Å"necrophilia†becoming aroused by killing his victims. This than puts him in the category of psychological profiling and noticing how Gary Ridgeway reacts in his crimes he conducts reacting off the basic premise
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