Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Absurd Self Fulfillment By Joel Feinberg - 1538 Words
For this essay, I will be examining the article â€Å"Absurd Self-Fulfillment,†written by Joel Feinberg. I will be pinpointing the central conclusion of this article, as well as the argument’s premises and the article’s central argument. I will also explain how the article relates to the film Being John Malkovich, and finally the school of philosophy, which we call â€Å"existentialism†and three of its central tenets. In the article â€Å"Absurd Self-Fulfillment,†Feinberg offers his readers a close up examination of absurdity, self-fulfillment, and tries to show that every human life may contain some degree of each. He discusses how Richard Taylor, Albert Camus, and Thomas Nagel, each portray that there is indeed absurdity in all human beings, through the use of their own special qualifications. Taylor and Camus both conclude that there is no meaning to anything we do, and that the human condition is pointless and meaningless. They believe that a bsurd humans do whatever makes them happy, but before realizing the absurd, one is a slave of their own future goals. However, Nagel claims that absurdity results from the irresolvable clash between the importance people attach their lives too, and their capability of viewing themselves from a detached and impersonal perspective. Feinberg eventually adopts Nagel’s explanation of absurdity. Feinberg’s concept of self-fulfillment can be understood in the sense of doing what one is genetically inclined to do, which includes both one’s genericShow MoreRelatedAbsurdity: The Myth of Sisyphus Essay1347 Words  | 6 Pageswaking up, going to work, studying, etc. At times, we have moments of lucidity which break these routines temporarily, these junctures of time provoke you into contemplating your own existance. If there is no meaning or point to life our existence is absurd. Our aspirations for ourself will cease, and so will those of the next generations, so on and so forth until everything ceases. Our existence is a reflection of Sysiphus, always pushing the boulder up the mountain but never truly completing the task
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Marketing Analysis Diamond Snow Slope Apparel - 1706 Words
Diamond Snow Slope Apparel will carry a wide variety of top of the line quality ski and snow board apparel and accessories. Our styles and selections will range from the basics and trendy style of outdoor snow apparel. We plan to purchase through a variety of distributors located across the globe. Our specialty will be offering outdoor snow sport apparel that are unique in color and style to fit our customer base. Diamond Snow Slope Apparel is organized as a Limited Liability Corporation in the name of Tami Pellas. Diamond Snow Slope Apparel will occupy a 2500 SQ FT space at nearby Amazing Ski Valley Resort. Diamond Snow Slope Apparel Business Summary Diamond Snow Slope Apparel is organized as a Limited Liability Corporation in the name of Tami Pellas. The store location will be near the Amazing Ski Valley Resort in a location that is zoned for commercial use. A street-level entrance leads into a foyer and parlors which are already renovated to accommodate the business. Pre-built shelving with lighting will highlight the items, while tables will hold display special and sale items, and accessories. The location is already equipped with a security system with monitors and if fully prewired for phone and internet. Diamond Snow Slope Apparel will use a point-of-sale system to handle in-house sales. Website sales will be processed by an online credit card processor affiliated with our web hosting company. The planned operating hours will be Monday - Friday 10Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Garmin And Black Diamond5606 Words  | 23 Pagescome together to form this product we chose Garmin and Black Diamond. A product name which resembles our brand name (Garmin) and the product itself (Walking poles and canes) had to be used. Hence Garmin-Stick was born. II. Background The two companies which are coming together have a great name in their respective industries already. The two companies which are coming together to create the brand new Garmin-Stick are Garmin and Black Diamond. Garmin Garmin is the leading worldwide provider for navigation1Read Moremarketing questions13877 Words  | 56 Pagessingle-source system b. marketing information system c. primary data system d. marketing decision support system e. database marketing system   ____   2.  The function of _____ is to address what if questions. It entails planning, collecting, and analyzing data relevant to marketing decision making, and the communication of the results of this analysis to management. a. data collection b. proactive marketing management c. decision support d. marketing research e. single-sourceRead MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words  | 386 Pageslargely limited to low-quality, low-price products unsupported by effective packaging or marketing. Given these characteristics, they enjoyed only temporary sales spurts during recessionary times. No more. While still offering so-called price brands, retailers are also increasingly offering private label brands at the high end of the business. Such brands are competitive with national brands in quality and marketing support but have substantial cost advantages - in part because the cost of the brand
Monday, December 9, 2019
Artists Of Romanticism Essay Example For Students
Artists Of Romanticism Essay Romanticism literature in poetry and how it effects everyday society. I have no quarrel, it is scarcely necessary to add, either with the man of science or the romanticist when they keep in their proper place. (Gleckner 33). Some people are still unclear of the exact boundaries in which literature is considered Romanticism, but few common relations seem to be apparent in all or most pieces.The Romantic believes that the particular qualities which make-up humanness mind, purpose, consciousness, will, personality are unique in known phylogeny, and are so far at variance with the physical conditions in which man exists that they are irrelevant to the general structure of physical reality.(Gleckner 123). As the drunken era of over-doped writers started their 1770s few thought with such creativeness as Irvings Rip Van Winkle. People became obsessed by the idea of freedom, and the writers became rebels, perpetually in revolt against conservative society, yearning after a spiritual indepen dence that the current age denied them. Hero of American Romanticism: male, young, innocence, love of nature, distrust to town life.(Arpin 120). We will write a custom essay on Artists Of Romanticism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Romanticism logic might have been considered a waste of laboring effort to conceive but, it made a revolutionary path for new way of thinking for an old school society. The Romantic attitude to life and art has a subjective foundation is not to be denied.( Gleckner 260). Romantic poetry and thought have their starting-point in the poet himself, in his aspirations and in his experience. On the one hand, his aspiration to a certain fullness of being, to a certain purity of spiritual life, to harmony and unity, a yearning toward the absolute. On the other hand, a visionary experience which responds to this aspiration and which assures the soul of the validity of its dream and of its hope. To understand the romantic doctrine, it is therefore necessary to scrutinize the experiences which the romantics thought crucial and from which all their intellectual activity arose. In these germinal experiences, there are many individual differences which cannot delay as here. The readers only know t he word as the poet decided to show it to them. The interpretation in which one can receive from the piece is left for society to experience. Thus, as romantic literature everywhere developed, imagination was praised over reason, emotions over logic, and intuition over science-making way for a vast body of literature of great sensibility and passion.(Funk 1). Proper object of the romantic poetic experience is in fact, a sort of matter-spirit continuum. For the English romantic poets, nature is not the treasure-house of all that is primitive, chaotic, savage, or sensational. It is the archetype and the accomplished model of all creation. Their metaphysics may be thought rather unstable: they are not English for nothing. But they have brought into being what might be called a philosophy of creativity, which is the core of their thought, in the same way as the experience in which this philosophy originates in its vital core. The Romantics found in nature a far less clearly defined divi nity; their experiences is usually recorded as a more generalized emotional and intellectual awakening.(Arpin 119). Such an approach allows us to see the romantic doctrine of nature and art in its proper perspective. Nature, as revealed by the poetic experience, is a tertium quid born of the meeting and interpretation of two opposite forces: the unity and organizing power of the spirit, and diversity and chaos of matter. The idealizing and certifying function of art is, no doubt, something of a commonplace. (Gleckner 166). But for the romantics a poems unity and ideal quality do not arise out of strictly intellectual or technical operation; they are arrived at, as in neoclassicism, by taking general types according to fixed rules. They are, on the contrary, the culmination of an organic process in which the poets create a work which is a symbol. As a critic, Poe defended the doctrine of art for arts sake; and his poems their best have a curious rhythmic fascination.(Quennell 178). .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 , .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 .postImageUrl , .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 , .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21:hover , .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21:visited , .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21:active { border:0!important; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21:active , .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21 .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud7280bb0ce1e2635b039e3b44c676b21:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Abnormal Psychology: Mental Disorders EssayThe Romantic Movement began to take shape in England many years before it emerged any where else where it would reach its highest point during the productive 1830s. Romantic feelings had always existed; but only at this moment in history did they acquire so strong a colouring and cover so wide a field.(Quenell 144). The first two great English Romantic poets were William Wordsworth (1770-1850) and Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). Both did their best to dispense with the artificial diction of the famed Auguston poets, and to employ the real language of contemporary men and women, however, in a style of vivid sensation when thei r natural eloquence appeared. The wrench of the American Revolution emphasized differences which had been growing. (Benton 785). The two poets took ordinary aspects of life and exemplified an entirely new attitude toward the art of poetry. The emotion of the time had a definite need for expression. The romantic theory of form is at once expressive from which it arises. Everything which does not derive from the experience, everything which does not help to express the idea, everything ornamental, gratuitous, and superfluous, must be rigorously prescribed. (Gleckner 213). That is why the sphere of speech the romantics rejected the mechanical conventions of poetic diction dear to their predecessors, with its mythological allegories, and pathetic fallacies. They advocate a flexibility which allows meter and rhythm to medel themselves directly on the emotion which is their psychological origin. But they add that the rhythm must be controlled, that the meter must have regularity of its own, because the original emotion issues forth from an intuition of order, harmony, and unity. The poets are able to control the society of their age by their individual meter and rhythm.If in short you conceive of the universe as a perfectly ordered machine, you will assume that any imperfections you may notice are really things you do not understand. (Gleckner 67). People first affected by the beliefs of the Romanticism poets soon saw life with a new concept of hope and confrontation. Romantic sensibility sough to rise above dull realities to a realm of higher truth.(Arpin 111). Romantic poets of the time were called for a need to make an ill stable society, stable, and reprimand sorts of expression seen as common place to their parents. Soon the romantic poets realized the life of a Romanticist lived the pain of emotions which separated them from the common mans organized lifestyle. The general romantic dissatisfication with the organization of society was often channeled into specific criticism of urban society. (Funk 1). Source ListArpin, Gary. American Romanticism. Anderson, Robert. Elements of Literature. 1993. Anderson, Robert. Orlando: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1993. Page 116- 122. Benton, William. American Literature. Britannica. 1957 ed. Funk Wagnalls. Romanticism. Microsoft Corporation. 1993: whole document. Encarta 96 Encyclopedia. Microsoft . 1996. Gleckner, Robert. Romanticism Points of View. Detroit, Michigan: Prentice-Hall , Inc., 1962. Quennel, Peter. An Illustrated Companion to World Literature. New York: Excalibur Books, 1986. Bibliography:
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Mercury Essays - Mercury Compounds, Mercury, Chlorides,
Mercury Mercury's symbol is Hg, its atomic number is 80, its atomic mass is 200.59, its in group 12 and in period 6, and it also has two valence electrons. Its standard state is liquid at 298?K and it is the heaviest known elemental liquid. It has a silvery white color. It is named after the planet Mercury the origin of the symbol Hg is the Latin word hydrargyrum meaning liquid silver. Mercury was known to ancient Chinese and Hindus before 2000 B.C. and was found in tubes in Egyptian tombs dated from 1500 B.C. Mercury is the only metal liquid at ordinary temperatures. Mercury is sometimes called quicksilver. It sometimes occurs free in nature and is found mainly in cinnabar ore, which is HgS. Cinnabar ore is found in Spain and Italy. Mercury is a heavy, silvery-white metal, which forms alloys easily with many metals like gold, silver, and tin. These alloys are called amalgams. Its way of amalgamating with gold is made use of the recovery of gold from its ores. Mercury is a bad conductor of heat and an okay conductor of electricity. The most important salts are mercuric chloride HgC12 that is a corrosive and violent poison. Mercurous chloride Hg2Cl2, which used to be used in medicine. Mercury fulminate Hg(ONC)2 used as a detonator in explosives and mercuric sulfide HgS used as a high-grade paint pigment. Organic mercury compounds are important and dangerous. Methyl mercury is a lethal pollutant found in rivers and lakes. Mercury is a virulent poison and is readily absorbed through the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, or through unbroken skin. It acts as a cumulative poison since there are few pathways available to the body for its excretion. Since mercury is a very readily vaporizable element at a relatively low temperature, dangerous levels are readily attained in air. Air saturated with mercury vapor at 20?C contains a concentration that exceeds the toxic limit many times. The danger increases at higher temperatures. It is therefore important that mercury be handled with care. Containers of mercury should be securely covered and spillage should be avoided. Mercury should only be handled under a well-ventilated area. Mercury is well known because of its use in many thermometers. It was common to demonstrate the formation of mercury in the laboratory by heating mercury sulfide. This method forms the basis of commercial extraction to get mercury. The prepared cinnabar ore is heated in a current of air and the mercury vapor condensed. Bibliography 1. Mercury (element), Microsoft? Encarta? Online Encyclopedia 2000 ? 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 2. Bentor, Yinon. Chemical - Mercury. Dec. 6, 2000 . 3. Encyclopedia Britanica-?Mercury? Liquid Metal Volume M-R. Pages 253-260.
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