Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Immigration Crisis essays
Immigration Crisis essays When the first time I came to Canada 7 years ago, I knew that Canada is a multi-culture country. Citizens and immigrants in different races come from variety countries. However, the government is considering cutting down the number of immigration each year. It ¡Ã‚ ¯s a controversy that had gone on for a long time. I believe most of this issue had to do with the incident about Chinese refugees coming to Canada on a boat long time ago. This had outraged some taxpayers because they didn ¡Ã‚ ¯t want to pay for the housing and clothing of these refugees. Also, immigration brings crimes to the city. But, I state that Canada shouldn ¡Ã‚ ¯t stop immigration just because of incidents like that because the population of Canada will either stop growing or start decreasing, the decreasing population will certainly cause the economic growth to go down, and lot ¡Ã‚ ¯s of the land in the middle Canada will stay undeveloped due to the lack of funds. Canada is a fairly large country with so little population. Taiwan, the place I came from, is a small island with 23 million people. However, there are only about 30 million in Canada. An average Canadian family has one to two children and it needs 2.6 children per family to keep the population steady. Without immigrations, the population will go straight down. Moreover, immigrations might not stay in Canada forever. Some of them will go back to their won country after 5 to 10 years living in Canada or go to another country. The reasons of this result are some of the landed residents have to go back to their own country in order to take care of their senior relatives, and others might have better job offer in another country. Also, the decreasing population will devastate the economy. Less people, less works. Immigration can help Canada ¡Ã‚ ¯s economic growth go higher. Since the economic growth is what a developed country needs, immigration brings the investment, technology, and the labors. ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Francium Facts (Atomic Number 87 or Fr)
Francium Facts (Atomic Number 87 or Fr) Francium is a highly radioactive alkali metal with the atomic number 87 and element symbol Fr. Although it occurs naturally, it decays so quickly its very rare. In fact, scientists have never had a large enough sample of francium to know what it actually looks like! Learn about the chemical and physical properties of francium and what its used for. Francium Basic Facts Atomic Number: 87 Symbol: Fr Atomic Weight: 223.0197 Discovery: Discovered in 1939 by Marguerite Perey of the Curie Institute, Paris (France), francium was the last natural element to be discovered (others are synthetic). Electron Configuration: [Rn] 7s1 Word Origin: Named for France, the home country of its discoverer. Isotopes: There are 33 known isotopes of francium. The longest-lived is Fr-223, a daughter of Ac-227, with a half-life of 22 minutes. This is the only naturally-occurring isotope of francium. Francium rapidly decays into astatine, radium, and radon. Properties: The melting point of francium is 27 Â °C, its boiling point is 677 Â °C, and its valence is 1. It is the second-least electronegative element, following cesium. It is the second rarest natural element, following astatine. Francium is the heaviest known member of the alkali metals series. It has the highest equivalent weight of any element and is the most unstable of the first 101 elements of the periodic system. All known isotopes of francium are highly unstable, so knowledge of the chemical properties of this element comes from radiochemical techniques. No weighable quantity of the element has ever been prepared or isolated. To date, the largest sample of francium consisted of only about 300,000 atoms. The chemical properties of francium most closely resemble those of cesium. Appearance: It is possible that francium may be a liquid rather than a solid at room temperature and pressure. Its expected the element would be a shiny metal in its pure state, like the other alkali metals, and that it would readily oxidize in air and react (very) vigorously with water. Uses: Francium is so rare and decays so quickly, it doesnt have any commercial applications. The element is used for research. It has been used in spectroscopy experiments to learn about coupling constants between subatomic particles and energy levels. Its possible the element may find application in diagnostic tests for cancer. Sources: Francium occurs as a result of an alpha disintegration of actinium. It can be produced by artificially bombarding thorium with protons. It occurs naturally in uranium minerals but there is probably less than an ounce of francium at any time in the total crust of the earth. Element Classification: Alkali Metal Francium Physical Data Melting Point (K): 300 Boiling Point (K): 950 Ionic Radius: 180 (1e) Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 15.7 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): ~375 Oxidation States: 1 Lattice Structure: Body-Centered Cubic Return to the Periodic Table Sources Bonchev, Danail; Kamenska, Verginia (1981). Predicting the Properties of the 113–120 Transactinide Elements. Journal of Physical Chemistry. American Chemical Society. 85 (9): 1177–1186. doi:10.1021/j150609a021Considine, Glenn D., ed. (2005). Francium, in Van Nostrands Encyclopedia of Chemistry. New York: Wiley-Interscience. p. 679. ISBN 0-471-61525-0.Emsley, John (2001). Natures Building Blocks. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 151–153. ISBN 0-19-850341-5.Lide, David R., ed. (2006). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 11. CRC. pp. 180–181. ISBN 0-8493-0487-3.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How Political Machines Helped Evolve American Cities Essay
How Political Machines Helped Evolve American Cities - Essay Example It is purely based on patronagei. These are a group of people having a political power to control ‘behind-the-scene.’ A political machine is normally composed of three (3) elements: the part bosses or a county committee; election district captains; and party loyalists. (The Social Studies Help Center, 2007) Each department of the political machine has a specific role to play. officers, have the power to dominate and rule over the elections and the city government. This gives them the power to choose individuals they wish to nominate as part of the government officials like city mayors, judges, county commissioners, and prosecutors. The district captains are responsible in establishing a good relationship with hundreds of families within their district by helping the family members find jobs. Sometimes, district captains may assist the family members in solving minor legal problems. Most of the time, the captains are obliged to do some informal social services like providing the family members some money, food, shelter, and clothing. Lastly, the party loyalists contributes a lot to the political machine with votes and financial support that comes from extending favors to those who are in need of jobs. The party loyalists collect approximately 10 percent of the salaries of each individual working in the city. The development of infrastructure is very important in the economic development of a country. Let us take a look at the past effects of political machine in New York City. Sometime between the years 1820 – 1870, the population of New Yorkers rose up to 800,000 due to the Irish and German immigrants composing of half the total population in the city of New York. The development of urban infrastructure like streets, roads, buildings, telecommunication system, electricity and transportation like railroad were inadequate due to the sudden demand for a change. The officials of the city government were not capable of solving the sudden environmental,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Refelction and discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Refelction and discussion - Essay Example While the major decisions and the exercise of accounting prerogatives are performed by the senior accountant, I learnt a lot about the demands of the profession by performing the regular or routine work such as executing the trial balance of the statement of financial condition or reconciling the sales balances for the month. Aside from helping in the preparation of the financial statements for the firm, I occasionally was asked to do some tasks that had to do with the individual projects which the construction firm was involved in. It happens to be a much more difficult accounting for projects rather than for the company in its entirety because projects have a budget that was drawn pursuant to the terms of the contract, and the interpretation of accounts, allocation of expenses, and reconciliation of records and activities pertaining to the project can be difficult while the project is in progress. For a short while I was assigned to other sections to gain a better grasp of the acco unting procedures involved in those areas. While the stay in each section was brief and the work I was asked to perform was only routine, my brief exposure nevertheless added to my appreciation of the manner in which the job was done and the significance of the function of the section in the overall department. There are a number of skills I developed in the course of the program, the most of important of which is the set of people skills which I needed to deal with my superiors, co-workers and team mates, and with the clients who would consult occasionally concerning the progress of the projects. I also dealt on a regular basis with staff from the other departments, coordinating with counterparts in procurement, engineering, and marketing. From this I discovered that the organisation is more than just a rigid structure that governs people. An organisation is a dynamic set of relationships among its members who interact with one another to successfully achieve the organisationâ€⠄¢s strategic goal. As mentioned, I worked under the supervision of a senior accountant. She has been in the profession for several years and with the construction company for almost the same duration. From her, I had learnt that because of the specialised knowledge which our profession implies, we are held to a higher standard of ethics than most other workers in the organisation. This is because we, as accounting and finance professionals, are relied upon by all major stakeholders who deal with the organisation, such as the management, shareholders or business owners, the government and regulators. I learnt in school that the position of an accountant or financier is imbued with trust, but it was only during the internship that I came to realise what this actually means in practice, and it is such a profound responsibility. There are other things about which I had been taught in school, but had only come to fully appreciate during the internship. I had gained a greater self-confid ence during the program and began to trust my abilities and my decisions in addressing the tasks of my job. I learnt to face clients with a greater sense of self-assuredness by understanding that the service was all about satisfying their needs in the most convenient way possible for them. I also learnt the value of team work, particularly where
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Discuss the Role that Alfieri Plays Essay Example for Free
Discuss the Role that Alfieri Plays Essay Arthur Millers A View from the Bridge is a modern tragedy set in 1950s Brooklyn about a mans obsession with his niece, and what that obsession ultimately brings about. Eddie Carbone, a hard- working dockworker is the tragic hero of the piece who struggles with how he feels about his niece, Catherine. Miller manages identify and raise many themes concerning the people who lived in the area in which the play was set, themes such as family, justice, respect and death, themes that played a big part in society during that era. Alfieri is the narrator of the play; he is like a sort of Greek chorus in the sense that he divides the scenes with monologues, he also explains to the audience the themes and adds depth to the play. From the very beginning of the play Alfieri hints towards tragedy, he does this a few times in his prologue, for example, he says: I am inclined to see the ruin in things, This tells the audience or readers straight away, at the beginning of the play that Alfieri can see that Eddies story is going to end in disaster. Towards the end of the prologue, it is clear that Alfieri can do nothing to avert the play from tragedy. another lawyer, quite differently dressed, heard the same complaint and sat there as powerless as I, watched it run its bloody course. The quote explains that nobody could do anything to change what is going to happen. It also hints that blood is going to be spilt and someone is going to die. When Marco and Rodolfo first arrive they act very differently, Marco enters the house greets everyone and shows Eddie a lot of respect and thanks him, whereas Rodolfo does not show any gratitude toward Eddie at all. The stage instructions show that Eddie, whenever he asks a question about them, he goes to Marco and totally bypasses Rodolfo. Eddie shows hostility towards him from the very beginning, for example, when Rodolfo starts singing Paper Doll, Eddie interrupts and warns him that by singing it could raise suspicion about them because singing is different and as Eddie says: Because we never had no singers here and all of a sudden theres a singer in the house, yknow what I mean? Eddie begins to act differently, jealous that he is no longer getting all the attention in the house, instead, Rodolfo is getting all of the attention from the women, he doesnt like this so he stops him from singing and uses the excuse above to regain control of the household. The first time Eddie meets Alfieri to see if there is any legal action he can take against Rodolfo to get him away from Catherine. He is now incredibly jealous of Rodolfo and Catherines relationship, this is because of his incest feeling for Katy, Alfieri tells him about how he feels is wrong during their meeting: We all love somebody, the wife, the kids- every mans got somebody that he loves, heh? But sometimes theres too much. You know? Theres too much and it goes where it mustnt. Eddie cannot admit these feelings, and gets annoyed that he cant do anything without immigration officers finding out about Marco and Rodolfo because it would involve betrayal, and that creates conflict within him. On one hand, he could betray Marco and Rodolfo and go against every thing he stands for by telling immigration, but on the other he could leave things as the stand and sit back to watch Catherine get married to Rodolfo and push his feelings aside. It is because Eddie cannot push his feelings for Katy aside that he dies, whatever he did he could not let her grow up. As Alfieri said, he did love her too much in the wrong way. This play could have ended many ways without violence, for instance, if Eddie forgot about his incest feeling or if Marco could have forgiven Eddie and apologised when Eddie demanded for his name, maybe the characters would have acted differently, but because they did not this play demonstrates many examples of betrayal, justice, honour, death and many other themes. Alfieri provides link between scenes and helps the audience understand Eddie and in a way the way he thinks.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Native American Creation Story versus Christian Creation Essay
When I was a child I had been told a Christian creation story is different from the one that I had read in the book ? Iroquois. The differences between these two creation stories are: at the beginning of creation of the world, the type of people, and the meaning of the story. At the beginning of the story about the creation is different: in Christian story, the first day God created the heavens and the earth. God created the world in seven days, and the world has day time, night time, plants, trees, sky, seas, lands, water, birds, wild animals, foods, the man ? Adam, and his wife ? Eve. On the other hand, in Iroquois, that has two worlds in ancients already ? the lower world was in great darkness and humankind inhabited the upper world. It means there was no creation of the world for Iroquois. In Christian story, the man ? Adam was working alone at the garden ? Eden. God though it was a good idea for him to be alone, therefore, God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, and God took his ribs and made a woman ? Eve. They become a couple, living and working together. On the ...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How the Medical Model of Psychopathology
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION DEFINITION OF SCHIZOPHRENIA THE MEDICAL MODEL * POSSIBLE MEDICAL CAUSES FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA * SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA * DISCUSSION OF THE DSM-IV-TR THE FAMILY SYSTEMS PERSPECTIVE CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION In this assignment I will show how the medical model of Psychopathology and the family systems model reflect linear and circular causality respectively by referring to the causes of Schizophrenia. SCHIZOPHRENIA Schizophrenia is characterised by a broad spectrum of cognitive and emotional dysfunctions that include delusions and hallucinations, disorganized speech and behaviour and inappropriate emotions.It disrupts social, occupational and recreational functioning and almost every other aspect of daily functioning. It is usually chronic with a high relapse rate and recovery from Schizophrenia is rare. MEDICAL MODEL The DSM-IV-TR is based on the medical model. The basic assumption is that psychological disorders are diseases and are treated as such. In his definition of the medical model, Blaney (1975) stated that mental disorders are in fact organic diseases. He further explained that the visible evidences of disorders are merely manifestations of an underlying condition.According to him, the individual has no responsibility for his/her behaviour. The medical/biological model reflects a linear view of the causes of Psychopathology. Linear causality means that a particular cause (or more than one cause in combination) leads to a specific effect (e. g. a virus causes an illness). Thus, from this perspective, event A causes event B (A -> B) in a linear (unidirectional) fashion. In this linear way of thinking, our reality is considered to be separate from us. We are thus seen as reacting to our reality rather than creating it (Becvar, 2003). Possible medical causes for Schizophrenia: Genetic influences – Inherited tendency (multiple genes) are responsible for making some individuals vulnerable to Schizophrenia * Neurotransmitter imbalances – This refers to brain chemistry such as abnormalities in the dopamine and glutamate systems * Developmental disruptions such as prenatal / birth complications – A viral infection during pregnancy or a birth injury can affect a child’s brain cells. * Brain structure – Research by Eve Johnstone (Johnstone et al, 1976) showed, by using computed tomography (CT), that there is an enlargement of the lateral ventricles in some patients with chronic Schizophrenia. Psychological stressors have also been named as a possible medical cause. Symptoms of Schizophrenia Positive symptoms: Delusions are false personal beliefs that are firmly and consistently held despite disconfirming evidence or logic, for instance: delusions of grandeur or persecution. Perceptual distortions (hallucinations) e. g. hearing voices, seeing people or objects and smelling peculiar odours. It is important to remember when diagnosing a patient that hallucinations aren’t path ognomonic. Disorganized thought and speech as a symptom comes through when communicating with the Schizophrenic person.The individual may jump from topic to topic, talk illogically or reply tangentially to questions. Disorganized motor disturbances such as extreme activity levels, strange gestures and grimaces, catatonic immobility, waxy flexibility and peculiar body movements and posture. More examples of behavioural problems are bad personal hygiene, inappropriate dress and affect. Negative symptoms would be to not show emotional expression (flat affect), avolition (an inability to become goal-orientated or to take action) and alogia (a lack of meaningful speech).DSM-IV-TR DSM-IV-TR recommends that clinicians examine and evaluate the individual’s mental state with regard to five factors (axes). Axes I, II and III addresses the individual’s present mental and medical condition. Axes IV and V provide additional information about the person’s life situation and f unctioning. The DSM-IV-TR is based on a prototypical approach. Axis I – Clinical syndromes and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention Axis II – Personality disorders and Mental retardation Axis III – General Medical conditionsAxis IV – Psychosocial and Environmental problems Axis V – Global Assessment of Functioning When using the medical model, the focus is always on the individual. If an individual has a possible psychological disorder, they need to be assessed clinically. This is done by systematically evaluating and measuring the individual’s psychological, biological and social factors. This can be done by interviewing the individual and taking an informal mental status exam of the ‘patient’. This can be followed by psychological tests, personality inventories and neuropsychological testing.Before a diagnosis can be made and before one can classify anything on Axis I, it is imperative to determine that t he above factors (psychological, biological and social factors) meet all the criteria for a specific psychological disorder. The DSM-IV-TR distinguishes 5 types of Schizophrenia – paranoid, disorganised, catatonic, undifferentiated and residual Schizophrenia. The DSM-IV-TR criteria for Schizophrenia needs to be met before one can diagnose an individual as Schizophrenic on Axis I. Taken from Sue et al (2006) the DSM-IV-TR criteria for Schizophrenia are as follows: A.At least two of the following symptoms lasting for at least one month in the active phase: delusions; hallucinations; disorganized speech; grossly disorganized or catatonic behaviour; negative symptoms (exception: only one symptom if it involves bizarre delusions or if hallucinations involve a running commentary on the person or two or more voices talking with each other). B. During the course of the disturbance, functioning in one or more areas such as work, social relations and self-care has deteriorated markedly from premorbid levels. C. Signs of the disorder must be present for at least 6 months. D.Schizoaffective and mood disorders with psychotic features must be ruled out. E. The disturbance is not substance-induced or caused by organic factors. The medical model subscribes to linear causality. It is thus based on a cause-effect relationship as mentioned previously. Schizophrenia as a disorder can be used to illustrate linear causality within the medical model. One or more of the causes of Schizophrenia (i. e. genes) causes the individual to become schizophrenic (cause) and then the individual is diagnosed as Schizophrenic because he/she displays certain symptoms (effect) such as hallucinations, voices talking etc.Thus, cause-effect (A causes B) = linear causality. Let’s say our ‘patient’ meets the DSM-IV-TR criteria to be classified on Axis I as Schizophrenic. As a Schizophrenic, the individual will probably show certain behaviour such as difficulty in maintaining s ocial relationships which could lead to social isolation, experiencing problems with his/her primary support group, education, occupation, housing, health care and economic problems. These problems will be indicated on Axis IV of the DSM-IV-TR as they are psychosocial and environmental problems.These problems will most probably affect the individual’s psychological, social and occupational functioning. The patient will be given a rating for the level of functioning at the time of the evaluation. This rating is displayed on Axis V of the DSM-IV-TR – the Global Assessment of Functioning which is used to report the clinician’s judgement of the individual’s overall level of functioning and carrying out activities of daily living. This information is useful in planning treatment and measuring its impact, and in predicting outcome.A 100-point scale is used for the rating in which 1 indicates severe impairment in functioning and 100 indicates superior functionin g with no symptoms. FAMILY SYSTEMS PERSPECTIVE The family systems model is based on cybernetics (circular thinking). Circular causality places emphasis on reciprocity, recursion and shared responsibility. A and B exist in the context of a relationship in which each influences the other and both are equally cause and effect of each others’ behaviour (Becvar et al, 2003).Thus, circular causality means that two or more elements reciprocally cause each other (A causes B and B causes A). So where the medical model makes use of linear causality, the language of systems theory is based on the notion of circularity (A and B mutually influence each other). The contrast between linear and circular causality has to do with the direction of cause. Linear causality = A -> B. Circular causality = A B. Example of circular causality: A teenager (A) with Schizophrenia begins to withdraw socially as she has difficulty forming relationships.Her sister (B) starts mocking her because she has no f riends and isn’t popular. Because her sister (B) mocks her and breaks her self-confidence even more, the teenager (A) withdraws even more and becomes even more isolated (even within her own family system because her sister is ‘against’ her as well). A loop forms (circular causality) where A causes B and B causes A and so on. Thus, the one ‘feeds’ the other. There are a few systems concepts that are important to the systems theory. Boundaries are formed by a system’s rules and it is these rules that distinguish a system from other systems.These boundaries (rules) are invisible but do exist and are inferred from the repeated patterns of behaviour of a system, it is what makes each family unique. It delineates individuals and subsystems and also defines the amount and kind of contact allowable between members of a family. The ideal boundaries for a family to have are clear boundaries as they are firm yet flexible. Feedback occurs in systems theor y and also emphasis the circular causality in the theory. Feedback is the process whereby information about past behaviours is fed back into the system in a circular manner.There is positive and negative feedback, but it must be understood that both processes may refer to something that is good and/ or bad. Positive feedback acknowledges that a change has occurred and has been accepted by the system (error-activated process). Negative feedback indicates that the status quo is being maintained (stability). When working with a Schizophrenic patient, systems theorists see the Schizophrenia as symptomatic of family disturbance. Thus, the symptom of Schizophrenia is not abnormal in a dysfunctional context.Actually, the maintenance of a system is associated with complex reciprocal feedback mechanisms with and between systems (Becvar 2003). So, every symptom has a function in the system. In a Schizophrenic person’s family system, his Schizophrenia (the symptom) helps maintain the sy stem, as all the blame for the dysfunction of the family falls to the Schizophrenic family member. The other members do not look to their own dysfunctions and issues. It is clear then that the dysfunctional pattern the family is carrying out, is maintained by the Schizophrenic family member who is targeted as the only problem or reason for the problems in the system.This way of doing things gives the family a dysfunctional homeostasis, which refers to the tendency of the family to regulate its internal environment. CONCLUSION I believe that both the medical model and the family systems perspective can contribute towards an accurate and successful diagnosis and treatment process for the Schizophrenic individual. REFERENCES * Barlow, D. H. , & Durand, V. M. (2005). Abnormal Psychology: An integrated approach. (4th ed. ). Belmont: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning * Becvar, D. S. & Becvar, R. J. (2003). Family therapy: A systemic integration. (5th ed. ). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. * Blaney, P. H. (1975). Implications of the medical model and its alternatives. American Journal of Psychiatry, 132, p. 911-914. * Johnstone, E. C. , Crow, T. J. , Frith, C. D. , Hurhard, J. & Kreel, L. (1976). Cerebral ventricular size and cognitive impairment in schizophrenia. Lancet, ii, p. 924-926. * Sue, D. , Sue, D. , & Sue, S. (2006). Understanding abnormal behaviour. (8th ed. ). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Agamemnon and Achilleus Essay
‘Describe the characters of Agamemnon and Achilleus as they are revealed in Book 1 of The Iliad. Who do you think was more to blame for their quarrel and its immediate outcome?’ In book 1 of the Iliad the quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles establishes their characters. We see Agamemnon and proud and authoritative yet often uncaring and uncompromising. Achilles is by contrast practical, powerful, yet deeply and sometimes dangerously passionate. Agamemnon is repeatedly unreasonable. When Chryses comes for his daughter (an entirely normal and natural request in the ancient world), Agamemnon does not listen, even though â€Å"all the other Achaians shouted their agreement†. He is rude and arrogant towards the priest and â€Å"sent him†¦ on his way†, with threats and taunts about Chryseis, who will â€Å"serve my bed†. When Kalchas, who has repeatedly stated that Agamemnon will not like what he says blames Agamemnon for the plague among the Greeks, Agamemnon reacts vehemently. â€Å"in deep anger†¦ he spoke†¦ ‘prophet of evil, you have never told me anything to your liking†. It is this unreasonable and uncompromising attitude that contributes to his quarrel with Achilles. He persists with his demand for compensation for the loss of Chryseis, even after he has seen how much this angers Achilles. Achilles however often displays a practical and compromising approach to problems. When the plague is ravaging the Greeks, it is Achilles who calls the assembly and takes the lead. When Agamemnon first demands compensation, Achilles simply states that there isn’t anything to give Agamemnon. He goes on to promise that â€Å"we will recompense you three and four times over if†¦ ever†¦ we†¦ sack Troy†. And when Agamemnon decides to take Briseis, Achilles holds back from attacking Agamemnon. Nor does he bear any grudge against the servants of Agamemnon who come to take Briseis. â€Å"It is not you I blame,†he says. Another aspect of Agamemnon’s character is his arrogance. He sees women as mere objects, describing Chryseis as â€Å"to serve my bed†and â€Å"work at the loom†, a girl who he prefers to his wife Klytaimestra. He is arrogant towards Chryses, a respected priest, and even to his fellow kings, Ajax and Odysseus, whose prizes he threatens to take. He arrogantly demands compensation, and never once apologises for taking Briseis. He is repeatedly insensitive towards Achilles’ anger and sense of injustice and deliberately takes Briseis, so that Achilles can see â€Å"how much I am your superior†. Undoubtedly these attitudes fuel the disagreement between Agamemnon and Achilles. Agamemnon is a leader, and leaders are supposed to compromise and not abuse their power. The Greeks need Achilles, yet Agamemnon’s pride seems to overrule this. â€Å"Yes, run home, if that is what your heart urges†Achilles’ is extremely passionate and one of the more human of the Homeric heroes. He often expresses his emotion quite openly, â€Å"he threw the staff to the ground†, â€Å"broke into tears†. He launches savage verbal attacks of â€Å"stinging words†on Agamemnon, describing him as â€Å"dog-face†who â€Å"never has the courage†and â€Å"whose shamelessness is your very clothing†. Achilles anger is such that he stops fighting, leaving his fellow Greeks to the mercy of the Trojans, even though he is â€Å"yearning for battle†. Achilles is passionate about his rewards and has an almost egalitarian streak about him. â€Å"Your prize is by far the larger, when I have worn myself out in the fighting†, he says, â€Å"I have no mind to stay here reaping up treasures for you†. Achilles passion nearly leads him attacking Agamemnon, and his hand is only stayed by the intervention of a goddess. Nestor correctly identifies that Achilles feels that Briseis is his prize, not to be taken by anybody, and that Agamemnon feels that to back down would be to call his own authority into question. Yet the men respond quite differently to Nestor’s words. Agamemnon makes yet more savage accusations against Achilles claiming that he wants to â€Å"rule all, to dictate all†– when all he has wanted so far is to keep possession of what is his. Achilles however responds quite reasonably. He backs down and decides â€Å"not to come to hand-fighting over the girl†, accepting that â€Å"you Achaians gave her, and you shall take her away†– which is exactly what wise Nestor had asked him to do – not to â€Å"seek open quarrel with the king†. Agamemnon must therefore be more to blame for the quarrel. He is leader of the Greeks. It is his duty to compromise and unify the Greeks. He never offers Achilles any form of compensation for the loss of Briseis. He ignores the wishes of his fellow Greeks and the wisdom of Nestor. Achilles may be impulsive sometimes, but it is the duty of a leader to control that impulsiveness.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
John Steinbeck essays
John Steinbeck essays John Steinbeck was a controversial and award-winning author who was considered to be one of the most significant authors of all time. He wrote many books throughout his lifetime and is known for his sharp, forceful writing style and wry humor. This paper will discuss Steinbecks childhood and early career as it influenced his writing. Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902, and was the son of John Ernst Steinbeck and Olive Hamilton. He grew up in Salinas, California where most of his stories and novels take place. He used the surrounding Salinas Valley as an example of a serene and fruitful place in his books (DISCovering Authors 3,4). In school Steinbeck was considered to be a wonderful student by his writing teachers and they often read his essays aloud in class. When Steinbeck graduated high school in 1919 he went to Stanford University to get a degree in English since he liked writing so much. When he got there, Steinbeck ignored Stanfords set curriculum and took whatever courses interested him (Verde 102-103). In 1925 Steinbeck gave up the idea of getting a degree and moved to New York City to be an author. At first he went to work on a construction crew for the new Madison Square Garden. He hated that so Steinbeck went to work as a reporter for the New York American. He ended up getting fired because he was more of a storyteller than a reporter. Eventually Steinbeck moved to California where he got a job on Lake Tahoe as a caretaker. While there he worked on his fiction and published his first short story in a magazine called The Smokers Companion. It was a fantasy story called Butler 2 The Gifts of Iban. Steinbeck later lost the job and moved to San Francisco. There he wrote and published his first novel, The Cup of Gold. Steinbeck also married a woman named Carol Henning while there. Steinbecks second novel...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Smartphone Apps For College Students
Smartphone Apps For College Students If youre a college student, you know all about being busy with assignments, notes, appointments, dates and writing essays. You may need an extra boost of an organization in your lives. Whether you need a little help with getting and staying organized, or with keeping in touch with your family and friends, we have put together a list of the must-have smartphone apps for college students that can be used for different purposes. Just have a look! Voice Dream (iOS and Android) Whether youre a student who wants to be more productive or someone who prefer better listening than reading visually, Voice Dream is the right choice for you. Its an app for listening text documents, e-books, articles, and Web pages anywhere you want. Voice Dream has been suitably described as a Swiss Army knife for opening and reading audibly a wide range of file formats, ranging from Microsoft Word files to PowerPoint presentations. It also does a great job organizing and voicing PDF files, Plain text (TXT), Rich Text Format (RTF), Apple Pages (PAGE), Apple Keynote (KEY). Dragon Mobile Assistant (iOS and Android) With this app, you can send and receive text messages, emails, post Facebook and Twitter statuses, and much more. Dragon Mobile Assistant is using Nuances very accurate voice recognition technology, so you can set reminders, make appointments, and search the Internet – all hands-free. You can also ask about the weather or your upcoming appointments and be prepared for your day. Evernote (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows and WebOS) If you need a place to track and keep notes from class, Evernote will do that for you. Also, with this app, you can record voice memos, to-do lists and notes and access them when you cant remember something that didnt get written down. You can store anything in your Evernote account and it will automatically sync with all of your devices with Evernote downloaded. This way, this app makes you notes easy to capture. Wi-Fi Finder (iOS and Android) If you need a quiet place to study, but also need an Internet connection, Wi-Fi Finder is your new best buddy. Its navigation is built to help you find the nearest Wi-Fi connection in more than 650,000 locations in 144 countries worldwide. The most awesome thing about this app is that you dont need to be online to view the list of available Wi-Fi networks. Dropbox (iOS, Android, Blackberry and Kindle Fire) If you are looking for a way to keep your files on the go, you should download Dropbox app. With this app, you can have everything (from videos and audios to papers and notes) with you on your smartphone, stored on Dropbox. This means that this app allows you to easily share files, photos, and/or videos across almost any device or platform. SoundHound (iOS, Android, Nokia and Windows) It happens all the time that you hear a great song while sitting in a hall or coffee shop, but you dont know the author? This app will help you to identify the song and artist. Additionally, you can also find out more information about the artist, videos, and much more stuff like share read lyrics with your friends. SoundHound is impressive with identifying new music as well as slightly less popular tracks. One more awesome thing, this app can identify songs that you sing or hum, which is perfect for those situations when you get an undetectable song stuck in your head. Tabata timer (iOS and Android) Everybody knows that its very important to regularly do the exercises and stay in shape. If you dont have much time for that, Tabata Timer is a great app for you. Its very easy to use the app for high-intensity interval training. This app helps you to do Tabata Training, to burn your fat fast and gain the same benefits of long drawn out workouts.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Art of Film Paper 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Art of Film Paper 1 - Essay Example From the events of the story, we learn that people can go to all lengths to seek revenge and in the quest of seeking revenge; many innocent people may incur injury.1 Yes, they have. In the issue of the characters suffering from amnesia, it portrayed the measures the characters took to contain information. An example is Leonard tattooing information on his body to remember every incident. Yes, it does. The beginning clearly depicts the events of death that made the lead actor Leonard transform from being a detective to being a murderer. At the end of the movie, it is clearly shown how Leonard was out to kill Teddy, while the movie started with a dead body. Not all narrative lines achieve closure. In the instance of the murder of Teddy, one is not sure if the murder took place. Leonard has amnesia. One does not know if he remembered Teddy’s face and came back kill him. It is not known, if Teddy remembered the person that killed his wife or if he avenged the death of his wife. 6a). How does the narration present story information to us? Is it restricted to one or a few characters’ knowledge, or does it range freely among the characters in different spaces? The story concentrates on one person, Leonard. The whole story is about him and his quest for
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